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Most Famous Logos in Blue

The blue color is a symbol of confidence and reliability, which is why it is so often used for the logos of large companies related to finance and technology. Different shades, however, can add other meanings to this color. For example, light hues look fresh and modern, while dark blue is usually associated with professionalism and a traditional approach to business.

Also, much depends on the complementary colors of the logo palette. After all, for example, with white, blue reinforces its values, while red or orange — inferior to them in strength, receding into the background.

In our today’s review, we will look at the most famous logos, executed in the blue color scheme, and we will see that color plays not the least role in visual identity design. All companies and brands are arranged in alphabetical order.

American Express

American Express is a financial institution, which is known all over the world. The company is involved n banking services, known for its payment system and credit and debit cards. The logo of American Express is executed in a light gradient blue palette, with the contoured uppercase lettering set on a square bright background. The bodies of the letters feature the same blue gradients, as the square banner, but due to the wide white outline look a bit more even. The bottom line of the inscription is slightly shifted to the right.


One of the largest telecommunication companies, AT & T, also choose blue for its logo. The company from the top 10 of the Fortune 500 list has its logo composed of a stylized sphere in blue and white, with swirling lines, which add a sense of motion and energy. Sometimes the graphical emblem is accompanied by a simple and strict logotype, set in the uppercase of a modern geometric sans-serif typeface, in black or dark gray. The shade of blue, used for the AT & T badge is light and fresh, evoking a sense of progressiveness.


The world’s most famous manufacturer of aircraft, Boeing, has its visual identity fully drawn in a deep and bright shade of blue. The badge is composed of a stylized abstract emblem, placed above the massive italicized logotype, with the uppercase letters set in a geometric sans-serif typeface. The heavy yer cool inscription balanced the thin elegant lines of the emblem, white depicts a circular outline, vertically crossed by a long orbit with sharpened tails, and a bold smooth tick, standing for the airplane on the right.


Cisco is a world-renowned technology company, which is engaged in the production of hardware and software, and equipment for the telecommunication segment, and provides various services related to their products. The company has its logo executed in a friendly sky-blue shade, close to turquoise. The color looks vivid and bright, and these feelings are elevated by the simple yet cool composition of the badge. The bold uppercase logotype is written in slightly narrowed letters, with lots of space between the characters, and accompanied by a graphical element, set above it and composed of nine vertical lines of different lengths.


Another technology company is our today’s list is Dell. The famous manufacturer of computers and accessories has its logo executed in a calm medium-blue color, which evokes a sense of reliability and trustworthiness. The logo of the corporation features an iconic wordmark with the diagonally set letter “E” inscribed into a circular frame of the same color. The lettering is set in a strong geometric typeface with straight lines and corners, which balance the smooth clean shape of the framing.

Disney +

The blue in the Disney + logo is introduced in a very wide color palette, with a thing arched line, colored in gradient shades from the very light, almost white, to the dark, close to purple, which is used for the logotype and the plus-sign. The badge features the iconic Disney inscription in the corporate cursive font, which repeats the signature of the company’s founder, Walt Disney, executed in a sleek shade of blue, with some purple hues, followed by a Plus sign, which has its vertical bar slightly arched from the center, making up a starting point for the thin gradient arched line, roofing the logo.


The visual identity of one of the world’s most famous social media platforms, Facebook, has always been using blue as the only color on its badge. The shades could change throughout the years but are not very sufficient. The logo of the platform features a lowercase sans-serif inscription in a traditional sans-serif typeface with bold lines and clean contours of the letters. The shade of blue, used for the current version of the Facebook badge is bright and light, looking energetic and friendly, and at the same time evoking feelings and reliability, loyalty, and trustworthiness.


Another super popular logo in our review is the badge of the Ford Motor Company, one of the world’s largest and oldest manufacturers of automobiles. The visual identity of the company features a horizontally oriented oval medallion with a solid blue background, a double blue and white outline, and the iconic white “Ford” lettering in a smooth cursive font, which repeats Henry Ford’s signature. The shade of blue on the Ford badge is dark and deep, working perfectly in contrast with white, and evoking a sense of excellence and elegance.


GE, also known as General Electric, is a huge American company, which is involved in various sectors of the economy, including manufacturing aircraft engines, energy, finance, and healthcare services. One of the largest conglomerates in the United States has also chosen blue as the main color for its logo. The GE badge is very old-style yet still elegant. It is composed of a circular medallion with a solid blue background, a white outline with four smooth slightly curved lines coming out of it to the center, and a cursive white monogram in the center of the logo. The blue, used for this badge is clean and light, with very calm shades, evoking a sense of confidence and stability.


The brand of personal hygiene products specialized in shaving accessories and cosmetics has its massive and brutal logotype executed in a dark shade of blue and placed on a transparent background. The blue here slightly softens the bold heavy lines of the title case letters, making them look lighter, and adding some elegance to the composition. It works well with the italicized sans-serif font, where the characters feature straight cuts and thick bars. The color palette of the Gillette logo represents professionalism and reliability, emphasizing the quality of the company’s products.


One of the oldest and the most famous American companies, engaged in the production of computers and accessories, HP, previously known as Hewlett-Packard, has its logo instantly recognizable all over the globe. The light and simple badge of the company is composed of a solid blue circle with a lowercase “HP” lettering written against it. The letters are usually executed in white, with their contours slanted to the right and the two vertical bars elongated, merging with the border of the circle and creating a cut-out impression. The HP blue is a medium-shade and a very calm one, standing for professionalism and stability.


Another company in the computer segment, which uses blue as the main shade of its visual identity, is IBM. One of the pioneers in its area, the company has its logo instantly recognizable on all continents. The badge of IBM is composed of a bold uppercase inscription, with the medium-blue bodies of the letters horizontally cut by seven white stripes, which create a super balanced pattern, with all the lines, white and blue, featuring the same thickness. The IBM blue is clean and calming, showing the company as a professional and concentrated on quality, and evoking a sense of reliability and excellence.


Intel is another computer-related brand from our today’s blue-logos-list. The company also uses light and soft shade of blue, which represents its professional qualities, along with responsibility and stability. Although the blue on the Intel badge is a bit lighter than the one, used by its competitors, hence it makes the badge look more progressive and cool. The logo is composed of a bold narrowed lowercase inscription in a sans-serif typeface, set on a white background and enclosed into a diagonally oriented oval frame, made up of a line with an open contour. The line is thin on the top part of the badge, getting thicker to its end, on the right, under the letter “L” of the logotype.


The first brand, connected with food in our review is Nestle. One of the world’s most famous companies in this segment uses a deep yet bright shade of blue for both its emblem and the logotype. The emblem of the company, depicting a family of birds in a nest, is contoured in thin blue lines, while the iconic title case logotype with the elongated upper tail of the “N”’s a vertical bar, is written with thick and smooth lines in the same color. The badge looks very well-balanced, and evokes a sense of professionalism, while the graphical emblem in the logo emphasized Nestle’s value of traditions and its heritage.


The Scandinavian manufacturer of mobile phones, Nokia, has had its glory days from the end of the 1990s — the beginning of the 2000s, and this is when its logo was recognized by people from all over the world. The badge of the company is composed of uppercase lettering in a modern and sleek sans-serif typeface, with all characters set in a plain blue color, which is deep and bright. The Nokia blue looks strong and confident, pointing to the experience of the brand, and the high quality of its products. The lack of graphical elements in the Nokia badge is compensated by the vivid color of the letters and a cool contemporary typeface.


Oral-B is a famous manufacturer of toothbrushes and oral care products. The company also uses a blue and white color palette for its visual identity, pointing to its sterility, professionalism, and reliability. Many companies in the personal hygiene and healthcare segments use this light and soft shade of blue for their logos, as it evokes a sense of protection and trustworthiness, and also looks fresh. The Oral-B badge features a horizontally oriented banner with rounded sides, colored in solid blue, outlines in white, and crossed by a bold, slightly italicized lettering in sans-serif. The inscription is set in bold white lines, which only elevate the main meaning of the logo.


P&G, also known as Procter & Gamble, is a huge global corporation, which owns dozens of brands in the consumer goods segment. As a significant part of the P&G brands are engaged in the production of personal hygiene items, it is pretty logical, that the company has its visual identity executed in a medium-dark blue color. Being an umbrella brand, P&G had to create a strong but laconic logo, which would represent its expertise and professionalism, leaving all the bright shades to the subsidiaries and labels. And they did. The logo of P&G features bold italicized lettering with its serif characters slightly slanted and complemented by an ampersand in a smaller size, and with thinner lines. All three characters in the badge are set in a calm and solid blue.


The visual identity of the online payment system PayPal features two shades of blue, which are used both for the graphical part of the badge and for the lettering. The emblem of the platform is composed of two overlapping bold letters “P”, drawn without any negative space in their top parts. The top letter is set in dark blue, while the one behind it features a bright and light hue. As for the logotype, it has both parts of the service’s name set with no extra space in between, but the bold sans-serif “Pay” is drawn in dark blue, while the “Pal” is in the same font, using a light blue shade.


One of the world’s largest pharmaceutical companies, Pfizer, has its logo designed in a light and smooth shade of blue. The elegant yet bold lettering with the name of the company is written over a horizontally-oriented oval in solid blue, with the vertical bar of the lowercase “F” curved in its top part, and elongated at the bottom, cutting up the badge, and adding more air to the whole composition. The shade of blue here represents both professionalism and responsibility of the company, and the high quality of its medicines and vaccines. The Pfizer logo looks elegant and friendly, but at the same time stable and confident.


The South Korean manufacturer of electronic goods has its logo known by people from dozens of countries across the globe. The portfolio of the products, offered by this brand is huge and includes smartphones, computers, televisions, and many more. The badge of Samsung is executed in a dark and bright shade of blue with contrasting white lettering. The logo features a solid blue oval, oriented slightly diagonally, with the white uppercase logotype in a narrowed sans-serif typeface crossing it horizontally, and having its first and last letters coming out of the frame with their corners.


The visual identity of Skype, an online messenger, and a video-calls application, has the blue color on its three-dimensional logo introduced by light gradients. The logo is composed of a diagonally oriented banner with rounded edges, overlapped by a vertically set oval medallion with a bold white letter “S” on it. Both the top and bottom banners of the logo are set in the same color palette, with the thinner one, placed behind the main one, having a bit more darker gradients, added for the volume and contrast.


The iconic logo of Twitter, a famous social media platform, has one light and deep shade of blue as the only color in its visual identity. The small bird, executed in a plain blue with no additional details or decorative elements, is drawn in profile, facing to the right, and is usually placed over a white background. The color looks fresh and modern, but the main qualities it represents are reliability, security, and stability. The users of the social media service always feel safe using it and are free to express their opinions on everything going on in the world, without being afraid of getting misunderstood.


Unilever is a global company, which owns a large number of brands, producing personal hygiene and cosmetic goods. Like any umbrella brand, Unilever had to come up with a logo, which will suit all of its activities, and the company has chosen a complicated structure of dozens of small elements, forming an enlarged letter “U”, underlined by a smooth cursive logotype. All of the elements in the Unilever logo are set in one shade of blue, which looks professional and confident, representing the expertise and stability of the company, and its focus on the quality of the products distributed.


Vimeo is a video sharing and streaming service, which was created for the young generation as the main audience. This is why the platform uses light and bright shades of blue for its smooth lowercase logotype, executed in an elegant yet modern cursive typeface. The shade of blue on the Vimeo badge looks very friendly and playful, but at the same time it stands for the reliability and security of the platform, and the professionalism of the team, standing behind it. Due to the delightful hue of the logo, it looks both good on light and dark backgrounds; and doesn’t need any graphical additions to be eye-catching and memorable.


The solid and calm shade of blue from the visual identity of the world’s most famous payment system, Visa, is accompanied by a small dark yellow element, which elevates the look of the badge and adds a bright contrast, making the Visa badge memorable and funky. The logo of the financial service provider is composed of a bold uppercase logotype in a narrowed italicized sans-serif typeface, with the left vertical bar of the “V” decorated by a triangular yellow element with its widest side arched to the center. The blue in the Visa logo stands for responsibility. Confidence and security.


After the recent redesign, the color palette of the Volkswagen visual identity was switched to a dark and deep shade of blue. The new minimalistic badge of the German automaker features two thin blue letters “V” and “W” written one above the other in straight solid blue lines with clean contours, over a transparent background, being enclosed into a thin blue circular frame. This intense shade of blue looks very exclusive and chic, evoking a sense of sophistication and excellence, and showing the company’s focus on quality in everything.

Warner Brothers

Warner Brothers are one of the world’s largest entertainment companies, which also has its logo in light blue. The badge of the company was designed decades ago but had some refinements and changes to the color palette made throughout the years. The current version of the logo features bold lines, and delightful shades of blue, used for all of the elements, which are: the “WB” monogram in a custom sans-serif typeface with clean sharp letters and straight cuts of the lines, and a classic shield frame with the geometric contour of its upper part. The upper line of the Warner Brothers crest is arched from the center and is built by three square steps on each side.


The last name in our today’s list is also one of the most famous. Windows, an American corporation, known all over the globe, also has its visual identity based on light and vivid shades of blue. The logo of the company boasts a geometric composition, formed by grout solid blue squares, placed at a small distance from each other. The composition is turned in ¾, which adds some motion to a flat image with no gradients. The blue here is not only to make the logo look like a real window, but also to show the company as a responsible and stable one, and to accent its professionalism and expertise.


Philips is a famous German brand of electronic appliances, which is mostly known for small personal care and beauty gadgets, used both by professionals and at home. The company has its logo executed in a very laconic style with just an uppercase inscription written in blue bold blue lines against a white background the shade of blue, used in the Philips insignia is very calming and relaxing, making people trust the brand and feel confident while using the Philips products.


The blue in the visual identity of Hyundai, a large Korean automaker, is dark yet calm and evokes a sense of seriousness and stability. The logo of the company is composed of a stylized slanted letter “H” with smooth contours, inscribed into a horizontally oriented oval frame. These softly rounded lines of the elements are balanced by the depth and darkness of the color, used for the badge. The emblem looks very harmonized and professional, evoking a sense of expertise and timelessness.


The German company, known as a manufacturer of bicycles and automobile components, Sachs, also has its logo executed in blue and placed against a white background. The logo is composed of a graphical part, formed by two sharp vertically-oriented swooshes, enclosing a solid blue circle, and a medium-bold uppercase logotype in a clean and distinct sans-serif typeface. The shade of blue in this logo evokes a sense of trustworthiness and expertise, showing the company as a confident, stable, and reliable one.


Aflac is an American supplemental health and life insurance company. Like many other players in the insurance market, the company chose a blue color for its logo, complementing modern sans-serif lettering with a funny three-dimensional emblem depicting a goose head. The combination of clean colors and funny graphics make up a very friendly logo, which represents the reliability and trustworthiness of the company in quite a playful manner.


The visual identity of the world’s most popular paper tissues and napkins manufacturer, Kleenex, is also based on blue. The brand has chosen a medium-dark shade, which is used for the arched cursive lettering with bold rounded lines. The blue color here is the main element, as it is associated with freshness and cleanliness, emphasizing the purpose of the company’s products. Also, blue here acts as a symbol of the brand’s reliability and some kind of a quality mark.


Blue in the Oreo logo is not the main color, but on the packaging — it is. The famous brand of chocolate cookies uses blue gradients as the banner on the background for the white three-dimensional lettering, which makes the wordmark look brighter and more vivid. The dark-to-light blue tones make up a sleek and modern accompaniment to the white cleanliness, plus it works really well on the package, in combination with the dark brown of the cookies themselves.


American biotechnology company Celgene emphasizes innovation and successfully reflects this in its visual identity. The logo of the company is composed of an elegant title case lettering in a serif typeface and a sleek enlarged emblem, depicting a stylized letter “C” made of several ribbon-like strokes with clean contours and distinctive cuts. Both elements of the badge are set in a dark and calm shade of blue, which stands for excellence, professionalism, and progressiveness.

Micron Technology

Micron Technology, an American semiconductor company, like most of its colleagues, also chooses blue for its visual identity. And nothing surprising, as blue is the favorite color of the IT and social media industries, electronics manufacturers, automotive giants, and banks. It is a symbol of creativity, openness, and novelty. And in the Micron Technology logo, this color is used both for the lettering and for the delicate graphical element, which is a distinctive orbit, drawn around the stylized capital “M”. This first letter is actually a part of an emblem, not the wordmark, as it is executed in a completely different style — with the rounded angles and the left bar longer than the right one.


Everything on the KPMG logo is about professionalism, confidence, and excellence. And the shade of blue, used for the composition only elevates these significations. It is conservative, looks clean, tidy, reassuring, and trustworthy. The blue here is used for geometric contouring on the background — the clean medium-weight vertically oriented rectangles, and for the bold slanted capital letters in a modern yet laconic sans-serif typeface. The combination of simplicity and freshness creates a great image for the reputable company.

United Airlines

Blue is the color of purity, tranquility, and peace. In addition, it is the first color that comes to mind in association with air and flight. That’s why most of the world’s airlines choose blue for their logos, and United Airlines is no exception. The badge of the company is composed of a bold uppercase “United” wordmark with slightly extended contours of the characters and quite a lot of space in between the lines, and an emblem with a white stylized globe drawn in a solid blue square.


The light shade of blue on the KLM logo is all about freshness and freedom. This is not just light blue, but the sky-blue, which is the rightest choice for any air carrier. The brightness and tenderness of the blue here are balanced by the massive and stable lettering which stabilizes the composition, and a stylized large crown, made of four solid circles, underlined by a thick horizontal bar, and a straight cross on top. No need to say, that this is one of the world’s most famous blue logos.


As well as banks and financial companies, major players in the insurance market also choose blue as the main color for their logos, because it gives a sense of reliability and represents stability and professionalism. One of the world’s most reputable insurance companies, Allianz, joined the “blue club” decades ago. The three silver vertical bars on the circular medallion make up a minimalistic stylized eagle emblem, with the middle bar repealing the shape of the “L”s in the blue wordmark. A very balanced and elegant logo.


Blue is the most popular color in the world. In a survey conducted by Dulux Paints with respondents in 30 countries, 42% of men and 30% of women named blue as their favorite color. And even non-profit brands, such as the C++ programming language, are paying tribute to its popularity and choosing it for their logos. The C++ visual identity is a massive hexagon with softened contours and angles, made of three segments, and each of them is colored in its shade of blue. The capital “C” and the two plus-signs are drawn in white over the medallion.


Virtually all social networks – Facebook, Telegram, Twitter, LinkedIn – as well as many online communication and conferencing programs have made shades of blue their corporate colors. Social networks use the friendliness of this shade to convey a message of trust and socializing. And the association with their reliability and technology is necessary because users trust social networks with their personal data. In the case of LinkedIn, blue also stands for professional qualities and excellence.


Lowe’s, an American chain of building and home improvement stores, has its logo executed in an intense-blue and white color palette, with the main element, the banner in the shape of a house, drawn in solid blue, and the bold white lettering placed across it. Here the blue is a symbol of reliability and loyalty. It works as a mark of quality and professionalism, promising the customers only the best goods for their homes.


Another insurance company that has chosen the color blue for its visual identity is GEICO. Tones of blue are the best solution if you want your brand to be trusted. It is the most popular color for a logo on the list of Fortune 500 corporations. Thus, GEICO emphasizes exactly on the color, without any graphic additions. The company’s logo is a bold geometric uppercase wordmark written against a transparent background in a deep shade of blue, which suits the distinctive shapes of the characters, emphasizing the professionalism of the company.


It is proven that the Blue color in the logo brings companies, stable loyal customers, and sets up long-term relationships. So this shade is widely used by brands from completely different industries. For example, for decades, the home appliance brand Brother has been painting its minimalist logo in a pleasant shade of blue. The bold lowercase lettering looks much more friendly and welcoming in blue and evokes a sense of confidence and trustworthiness, which is very imposter for the industry.


Tags: brandcolor