Yidio Logo

Yidio LogoYidio Logo PNG

Yidio, operated by co-founders Brandon and Adam Eatros, is a video aggregator platform that consolidates TV shows and movies from over 100 streaming services. It simplifies content discovery for users globally, providing a unified interface for viewing diverse media sources. As a private entity headquartered in San Francisco, Yidio remains at the forefront of streamlining the digital entertainment experience​​.

Meaning and history

Yidio, an acronym for “Your Internet Video,” was conceptualized and brought to life by siblings Brandon and Adam Eatros in January 2008. It was a response to the fragmentation of video content across various streaming platforms. Starting in San Francisco, Yidio set out to provide a singular, comprehensive interface for content scattered across multiple services.

In its growth, Yidio has not reported changes in ownership; the Eatros brothers have maintained their positions with Brandon as CEO and Adam as COO. The company’s evolution includes significant milestones, such as securing $350,000 from angel investors in November 2009, which fueled its development. Yidio expanded its reach with the creation of mobile applications for iPhone and Android users in 2013, which were showcased on national television, demonstrating its influence and accessibility.

The company has consistently focused on technological improvements to remain relevant. Yidio’s platform continues to aggregate content from over 100 streaming sources, effectively serving its global user base without diverting from its initial vision or leadership​​.


Yidio Logo

The logo Yidio artfully combines nostalgic and contemporary design elements. An antiquated television set, hued in a vivid, energizing shade of orange, showcases a gray-toned screen that houses a white play icon, signifying the media-centric nature of the service. Flanking the TV, the word “Yidio” emerges in a playful yet assertive typeface, with the ‘i’s dotted to mimic the vintage TV knobs, encapsulating a fusion of classic charm with modern streaming culture. Below, the slogan “Watch everything.” is inscribed in a minimalist font, reinforcing the platform’s comprehensive library. The overall aesthetic captures Yidio’s mission to offer a broad and inclusive entertainment experience.

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