South Park is an iconic animated tv-series, telling the story of four American boys. The sitcom, created by Comedy Central TV Network, was released in 1997 and has 23 seasons and 307 episodes by today.
Meaning and history
The iconic South Park logo was designed in 1996 and has never been changed. It is simple and executed in a calm palette, which makes it perfect for placing on screenshots and posters with colorful animated heroes.
The brown wooden road sign with the “South Park” inscription in all capitals is what the famous emblem is. Usually surrounded by the main characters of the series, it looks solid but slightly naive.
The South Park inscription is all capital is executed in a bold ornate typeface, which is very similar to Cibola font. It looks like the inscription on the door of the Saloon from the Wild West movies.
The logo, designed in 1992 for “The Spirit of Christmas”, featured a very simple and even amateurish badge in pink and black, with the handwritten name of the cartoon set in two lines across the pink banner, and decorated by several white snowflakes in different sizes.
The redesign of 1995 created a more professional and clean badge for “The Spirit of Christmas”. Now it was a bold black gothic-style lettering in the title case, set in three lines across a plain rectangular badge in a light sea-green shade. This was also a very simple badge, but now at least it looked more balanced.
1996 — Today
One of the South Park logos we still can see today was designed in 1996 and is considered to be the first official emblem for the famous animation. It’s is actually almost exactly the same as the one, used by the series from 1997, but has a more pale, almost white, background of its wooden sign. As for the lettering, it is executed in the same style, as on the second version, but maybe with slightly stretched contours.
1997 — Today
The lack of colors if fully compensated by Cartman, Kyle, Stan, and Kenny — the main characters of the show. Each of them has at least one bright detail in his wardrobe, which is more than enough to create a colorful image.