BBC slightly redesigns its logo for “tens of thousands of pounds”

The British Broadcasting Corporation has updated its logo. However, the new iteration hardly shows considerable changes. The slight redesign of the BBC emblem caused a controversial reaction online, especially since it cost “tens of thousands of pounds”, according to the tabloid “The Sun”.

Indeed, we have to take a hard look at the old and new versions to see the difference. Actually, the renovation concerns only the distance between the squares, which has become a bit larger, and the form of the letters which was a bit diminished. The letterforms represent BBC’s in-house typeface Reith, named after Sir John Reith who was the first general manager of the corporation. The font was introduced in 2017 and spared BBC from paying license fees for Gill Sans the broadcaster used before.

In fact, this design has already been used on the corporation’s streaming service BBC Select launched in the US and Canada this February. However, the innovation went unnoticed then.

Although BBC’s representatives said that the costs of the redesign were not so significant as it is supposed to be, the refreshed logo with its minuscule changes was stigmatized as a waste of taxpayers money. It was also named a bad parody of the current emblem.

At the same time, some experts think that the redesigned logotype is an usual “iterative” solution, adding some consistence to the brand.

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