Scottish Hockey rolls out a new logo

Scottish Hockey, Scotland’s governing body for the sport of field hockey, has unveiled a new logo intended to refresh the image of the organization. The “look for the future” was forged by Michael Bremner Studio from Glasgow in cooperation with artist Erin Bradley-Scott.

Developing Scottish Hockey’s visual identity, the designing team has carried out an all-embracing work including a survey among the sports institution’s members. As a result, they drew up an emblem focusing on the thistle, a national symbol of Scotland. While Scottish Hockey had the thistle on its crest more than 20 years ago, the new iteration can be considered a tribute to the team’s heritage and the history of hockey in Scotland.

Furthermore, the logo’s design is built on the Celtic art traditions, using a shield knot that forms the monogram “SH” in the center. This motif is to symbolize the tight interconnections within the Scottish hockey community. Overall, the combination of straight and curved lines inside circles with a “crown” element on the top creates a perception of a real crest truly fit for a sports institution. As expected, the new branding will soon come with a website update and other digital and physical assets.

Commenting on the updated SH visual identity, Barry Cawte, the organization’s chief executive, said that the new brand will help unite everyone in the sport while demonstrating that hockey should be something more than players supported by their fans.

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