Mojang rebrands itself, celebrating Minecraft’s 11th anniversary

In 2009, Mojang Specifications rushed into the gaming market with Minecraft, a sandbox video game which broke all sales records and was considered as “the video game of all times”. One year ago, Minecraft celebrated its tenth anniversary by releasing the Exhibition in Seattle edition, free anniversary map and other special features. This year, to celebrate the 11th anniversary of the game, the developing company has rebranded itself as Mojang Sudios and rolled out a new logo.

According to Thomas Wiborgh, Mojang’s creative department chief, the rebranding marks the studio’s evolution from a small enterprise in Stockholm to a “multi-location and multi-title company”. As the new name reflects its growth and structural transformation, Mojang Studio’s shares its further plans to release new entertainment products including new games, a live show and a movie.

The new logotype is intended to better convey the studio’s look as well. Compared to Mojang’s previous abstract emblem that looked like a sewing machine with a candle light, it is perceived more consistently while its blocky design correlates not only with the visual style of Minecraft, but also with the whole philosophy of the company, as the studio’s official statement says.
Moreover, the animated version of the logo features another element of the renovated brand. These are the Mojangs, tiny gizmos that symbolize playing itself with testing, crafting and endless exploration in the world of Minecraft.

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