Mass Effect Logo

Mass Effect logoMass Effect Logo PNG

Mass Effect is a BioWare game, created in 2007. The game is a 3rd person shooter, where the player has to save the galaxy. Originally created for Windows, today the game has versions for Xbox, Wii and PlayStation consoles, as well as for Android mobile operating systems.

Meaning and history

Mass Effect is a series of action RPG video games developed by BioWare. The first installment of the popular trilogy was released by Microsoft Game Studios in November 2007. Mass Effect 2 was released three years later, in 2010, and Mass Effect 3 was released in 2012. These three games introduce us to the story of Captain Shepard, who has to save humanity and other races from the Reapers. Mass Effect is set in the XXII century.

According to many experts and players, the Mass Effect trilogy of games is one of the most vivid, memorable, and outstanding in the history of gaming. Mass Effect has received many awards and honors. Critics have positively evaluated the story narrative and the quality graphics. A multi-million fan community was formed around the game, which created a lot of fanfics and even a few short films.

The plot of Mass Effect tells about the distant future, the XXII century, where humanity is far from the leading position among the interracial alliance, which is ruled by the so-called Citadel Council. The main character of the game, Captain Shepard, is the main contender for the title of elite fighter of the Council. Shepard will have to work with his team to uncover a terrifying conspiracy and prevent an ancient evil from destroying life in the galaxy.

In fact, many note the similarity of Mass Effect to many famous science fiction movies and series, and especially to “Star Wars”.


Mass Effect logo

The Mass Effect visual identity is based on a strict wordmark, which is placed on different colored backgrounds, illustrating the game’s synopsis.

The Mass Effect nameplate is set in two levels with the “Mass” on top in a bigger size lettering. The inscription in all capitals is executed in a modern sans-serif typeface, which is close to Slider Regular. It has bold neat lines and the “Effect” part has its letters’ angles rounded.

The most recognizable part of the Mass Effect wordmark is a thin curved line, going through the word “Mass”, which starts in the bottom left corner of the “M” and moves upright, finishing under the upper horizontal part of the last “S”.

There are several options for the Mass Effect color schemes, depending on the placement. The black and white flat logo is used on printed materials and documents, while a three-dimensional light gray, almost white, lettering in a black outline is usually placed on the covers and posters.

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