Elite Ice Hockey League (UK) logo

Elite Ice Hockey League logoElite Ice Hockey League Logo PNG

The Elite Ice Hockey League (EIHL) is a professional ice hockey league in the United Kingdom. It is owned by Ice Hockey UK and features teams from England, Scotland, and Wales. The league operates as the top-tier ice hockey competition in the UK, showcasing intense competition and talented players.

Meaning and history

Elite Ice Hockey League logo

The shape of the Elite Ice Hockey League logo is somewhere in between a drop and a shield. While it’s a bit less curvy than a drop, it also lacks the angles characteristic for a shield.

The white lettering “ELITE” is the centerpiece of the emblem. The way the capital “L” is depicted emphasizes its similarity to a hockey stick. The abbreviation “EIHL” can be seen in the top part of the shield, while the lettering “Ice Hockey League” is placed below. The EIHL logo is topped by three large stars.The Elite Ice Hockey League was established in the UK in 2003 after its predecessor, the Ice Hockey Superleague, stopped operation.

What is Elite Ice Hockey League?
The Elite Ice Hockey League (EIHL) is a professional ice hockey league based in the United Kingdom. It consists of teams from various British cities and provides competitive ice hockey entertainment for fans across the country.

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