2ix2 Logo

2ix2 Logo2ix2 Logo PNG

2ix2 is the name of a German website, which allows its visitors to stream all the German-speaking Tv channels online with no registration. The website provides one of the largest selections of tv-channels available to broadcast for free on any of the devices.

Meaning and history

2ix2 is a free resource, available for visitors from all over the globe. The platform offers a wide range of German tv-channels, which you can stream online on any of the devices — whether is P.C., a mobile phone, or a tablet.

The website is conveniently built and has an easy-to-use list of the channels, which you can choose to watch. To start streaming the user does not need to be registered and of course, there are no payment fees on the website. The platform earns from advertising.

What is 2ix2?
2ix2 is a German web portal with a large selection of tv-channel in German available to stream online. The streaming on the website is absolutely free and doesn’t require any registration. 2ix2 is easy to use and has a simple yet bold interface.

In terms of visual identity, 2ix2 is a very recognizable website. The portal uses a cool bright emblem, which is sometimes followed by a simple and clean logotype, which can be seen on all the pages of the site.

2020 – Today

2ix2 Logo

The 2ix2 logo is composed of two parts — a memorable and bright emblem, which is also used as a web icon of the platform, and a clean minimalistic logotype, set in white, using a modern and simple sans-serif typeface with bold lines and distinct contours.

The emblem of the website depicts a stylized Play button, executed in a flame style, with a gradient orange-to-yellow palette and spurts of flame waving to the left of the image. It looks sleek and elegant, and at the same time shows confidence and professionalism.

The orange, red and yellow color palette of the emblem evokes a sense of energy and passion, strengthening the image of the website and its reliability.

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