NNPC is an acronym for Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation – a maker of petrol, oil, gas and petrochemical products, serving generally for the state of Nigeria. It’s headquartered in the capital of the country. This is the only player in Nigerian petroleum sector, playing an important role in the nation’s economics. They’re exporting fossil fuels across the neighboring countries and also in the European nations.

Meaning and history

The company appeared in 1977 as a result of a joining of the Nigerian’s Ministry of Petroleum and National Oil Corporation. Many multinational giants from Britain, Italy, USA, and France helped that merger with money and connections. Through connections to these countries, NNPC expanded its operations and opened a European office in London.

However, in the last decades, the company had many financial difficulties. In 2007, the leader of Nigerian sector of Transparency International (a German anti-corruption association) declared that the workers were paid too little. In 2022, the organization was transformed into non-governmental. This privatization is supposed to help the company to get a freer access to global oil markets.

What is NNPC?
NNPC is the National Nigerian Petroleum Corporation, headquartered in Abuja (the capital). This is a large oil, gas, and petrol producer, playing a key part in the Nigerian economy. Previously, NNPC was a state-owned corporation, but in summer 2022, it became the private company licensed to sell the nation’s oil and gas. They’re selling their products to the local customers as well as foreign partners, such as Chevron, Total Energies, or Royal Dutch Shell, for example.

1977 – today


The NNPC logotype is a circular signature with three zones. The first one is the frame, styled as a gear, on which they put the name. Deeper in the logo, they put two thin and bold rings, serving as a barrier among the frame and the central images. The picture itself shows us machinery, including oil rig, pumps, and silos.


The logotype painting includes yellow, black, red, and green shades. The outer gear is yellow. It features the black nameplate. The gear is bordered from the center by two lines, one of which is black, while another is red. The central circle depicts black images of machinery, placed on the green background.


The nameplate is written in a bold typeface without serifs and small intervals in between. The letters are capitalized, and they all have the same size. In total, the symbols have quite a typical appearance.

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