Radeberger Pilsner: The finest beer design

Radeberger Pilsner is one of the popular German beers, which has been a favorite of many high and mighty, including King Frederick Augustus III of Saxony, German Chancellor Otto von Bismarck, and even Russian President Vladimir Putin. The brand has a long history, founded in 1872. While Radeberger Pilsner is the only marque of the brewery, the company produces more than 50 million gallons of beer every year.

Adopting a new strategy, Radeberger has also uplifted its visual identity, which is now described as “self-confident, young, and powerful”. To attract more attention from customers, the designs of bottles and labels were changed, while the brand’s advertisements with new images reflect more modern life situations.

The new look will gradually appear at retailing centers and food services to fully replace the previous design until the Easter holidays. Radeberger is also launching a promo campaign under the motto “On the Passion”.

According to an official statement, the fresh identity highlights the brand’s pride of its heritage. Expanding its presence in the market, Radeberger is entering the future with vigor and passion. With its new slogan, the company celebrates people who follow their goals, enjoying their lives. The new image offered by the brand conveys the new message: Do what is important for you now, what matters for you personally, and what gives you satisfaction.

Radeberger’s overhauled identity is still based on the heraldic symbols of the city of Radeberg. The bottle design now showcases labels in black instead of gold. Replacing the aluminum wrapping with a paper one, the brand makes a bid for a sustainable image, meeting the relevant requirements of the modern production standards.

The logo of the beer brand centers around the coat of arms of Radeberg, with bigger and bolder traits now. The walking lion and the half wheel derive from a 13th-century family seal of the Saxon dukes. While the lion is a traditional symbol of bravery and the wheel, though its original meaning is lost, is linked to the city’s name (“Rad” means a wheel in German), the sword, which appeared later as a granted symbol, points to a special legal status of the city in the Middle Ages. All of this is surely a matter of pride for the brand, brightly highlighted by the new graphics.

Given that beer sales have been declining for many years, for many breweries, facelifting is not just a nicety, but a necessary move. And Radeberger Pilsner demonstrates one of the finest rebrandings in the industry.

The transition from gold to black is significant. This emphasizes the calligraphic aesthetic of the Radeberger wordmark, and the elongated “tail” of the “R” is set to become an iconic feature. While the brand’s signature seemed to be lost amid that gold knick-knackery, the new design offers a balanced combination of tradition and modernity.

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