Morrowind Logo

Morrowind logoMorrowind Logo PNG

Morrowind is the third part of The Elder Scroll video-game series, which was released in 2002 by Bethesda. This fantasy game is very colorful and has a lot of cross-cultural scenes and accents. The game has its versions available for Windows and Xbox console.

Meaning and history

The Elder Scrolls series, created by Bethesda, began its history in 1994 with the release of the role-playing game Arena, which won numerous awards for best story and scenario. Since then, several parts of the franchise have been released, but the most legendary, for good reason, is of course Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind, an epic single-player game whose world features a uniquely realistic role-playing system, richly detailed environments, and skeletal character animation.

Morrowind is originally the name of one of the provinces of the giant empire of Tamriel, populated by Dark Elves. The game begins with the hero being picked up on an island by a prison ship. And here you are given a choice: you can follow all the commands and demands of the invaders, or you can resist and act on your own. This possibility of choice will accompany you throughout the game.

You can play Morrowind with any character. And the game will change depending on your actions. And this is one of the main features of the legendary game because in Morrowind no two stories are the same.

The action area in the game is huge and detailed. The world of Morrowind is filled with various interesting areas consisting of numerous towns and villages, each with its own unique style. According to the idea, the world of Morrowind can expand to an entire universe with the help of a TES constructor, allowing for partial or complete modification of any aspect of the game.

2002 – Today

Morrowind logo

The Morrowind logo follows the same design and style, as all the parts of The Elder Scroll series. The logo is composed of a wordmark, placed over a triangular emblem.

The Morrowind wordmark in all-caps is executed in a bold classic serif typeface with distinct tiles and serifs. It has its “M” and “D” enlarged, which adds symmetry to the logo and makes it more recognizable.

The light gold shade of the lettering looks good on a brown papyrus background of the emblem and the cover.

The Morrowind emblem is an elongated triangle, pointing down with a runic image of the dragon, enclosed in the elongated rhombus. The dragon is a symbol of the Empire, which appears on many banners and buildings in the game.

There are also three Daedric letters on the emblem — one letter in each of the tri-angle’s corners. They stand for three members of the Tribunal — Alma, Seht, and Vekh.

The Morrowind logo represents the nature and essence of the game, showing its historical accents and a rich and interesting plot. Its color palette resembles the old book, which is always intriguing and fascinating.

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