MeowChat Logo

MeowChat logoMeowChat Logo PNG

MeowChat is the name of a messenger application, created for Android and macOS devices. The basic functional of the app repeats its “brothers” like WhatsApp and Viber, but there is one more thing, that makes MeowChat different. It helps you not only to stay in touch with your friends but also to meet new people from all over the world. Through this application, you can find a companion living very close to you or thousands of kilometers away.

Meaning and history

MeowChat is a hybrid of an ordinary messenger and a dating app. So how does it work? If one of your contacts is already using MeowChat, these people will automatically appear in the app. Also, Messenger allows you to join chats based on location. You can enter a random room and chat with those who live in your city. This way, finding new friends is much easier.

The default settings allow you to chat with people from your own country. If you want to expand your horizons, arm yourself with a world map and choose any country.


MeowChat logo
To start chatting you have to press on the funny orange image of a cat. And this is the logo, the icon, and the signifier of MeowChat. Executed in a cute Kawai style, the cat has its contours outlined in dark orange, and the body in a lighter, closer to yellow, shade. Two small dot-eyes, two-arched detail between them, and four small blurred orange spots on the sides, that is it! The cat is drawn as a dialogue bubble, with the bottom border having a triangular “tail”, looking diagonally to the bottom left corner.

The orange cat is placed on a white square with rounded angles for the mobile app icon, or above a bold orange logotype in a rounded sans-serif, for the full version. As for the second option, there are two variations: with the “MeowChat” inscription in the lowercase, with no space between the two parts of the app name, and a shortened logo, with just “Meow”, which uses exactly the same style and size.

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