Le Bon Coin Logo

Le Bon Coin logoLe Bon Coin Logo PNG

Le Bon Coin is the name of one of the most famous French advertising websites, which main idea is in creating a marketplace of new and used goods, sold and bought by private people across the country. The portal was established in 2006 and by today has grown into the second-largest National website.

Meaning and history

2006 – Today

Le Bon Coin Logo

The name of the portal, “Le Bon Coin”, literally means “A good deal”, and this is exactly what the website offers — thousands of deals available for buyers from private sellers.

As the website offers millions of various goods and items for sale, the visual identity had to be simple enough to look good on a background of various images and photos, but bright and bold to be recognizable and work as a mark of quality and trustworthiness.

Throughout the years, the company, which started in 2006 as a small “bargain centered” idea, and grew into the second most search French website, has been stuck to one color palette and style, and by today, only the contours have been refined, and the confidence — elevated.

The visual identity of Le Bon Coin is very friendly and simple, though the shapes, size, and color of the letters make it look stable, reliable, and strong. The main part of the visual identity is the logotype.

Written in the lowercase, with no space between the three parts of the portal name, it is executed in a classic intense shade of orange, with the bold lines of the letters combined with traditional arches of the bars and softened angles.

Color and font

The orange and white color palette of the Le Bon Coin visual identity is a reflection of energy, life, bliss, and motion. The website, dedicated to sales, has, probably one of the largest assortment of goods in the world, and orange is the shade, that perfectly suits it. As for the white background, it elevates the sense of reliability and safety, the color also signifies loyalty, trust, and transparency, and these qualities the company values most.

As for the lettering, executed in the lowercase, the Le Bon Coin logotype uses a modernized sans-serif typeface, which looks pretty similar to Avenir Next Rounded Pro Bold, but with the ends of the lines featuring straight cuts. These small details make the whole inscription unique and add to the recognizability of the brand, and its one-of-a-kind character.


The icon of the Le Bon Coin portal is also executed in an orange and white color palette, but here one more color is added to the scheme. A deep chocolate shade of brown is used for one of the two triangles, forming a square and placed in the bottom right corner of the main white canvas, which is also square and has its angles softened. As for the orange and brown figure, it has two of the corners (bottom right and top left) rounded; and two others — sharp. This small detail makes the whole icon look dynamic and energetic.

The previous version of the icon in particular and the logo, in general, was based on the same orange and white combo, a smooth lowercase logotype; and a square shape of the emblem, though the emblem/icon was completely different.

The initial version of the Le Bon Coin icon featured a gray and orange cube, with white images on each of its sides — a cell phone, a house, and a car. To represent the variety of products categories, listed on the website.

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