HASCO is an abbreviation, standing for Huayu Automotive Systems Co Ltd Chinese company engaged in the production and marketing of automotive components. Today the company is one of the ten largest manufacturers of automotive components in the world.

Meaning and history

HASCO was created by SAIC, a company that holds a leading position in the automotive industry of the Republic of China. Among the cars going for export, every third one is SAIC.

SAIC was established in the post-war years. The plant was located in the city of Shanghai. The production line produced tractors and buses. In September 1958, the first passenger car rolled off the assembly line.

The official registration of the enterprise and trademark occurred in 1978. Since that year, the automobile plant has received the status of a commercial enterprise, but the controlling stake in the company belongs to the state.

In July 1984, the organization Shanghai Automobile & Tractor Company was formed. It produced machinery for the domestic needs of the country. These were mainly tractors and buses. The company was also engaged in the maintenance of automotive equipment. In 1990, its name was changed to Shanghai Automotive Industry Corporation. And in 1995 the company was reformed into the Shanghai Automotive Industry Corp group (SAIC Group).

In 2009, SAIC merged its parts production into a group now known as Huayu Automotive Systems Co, or HASCO. The group brings together a large number of enterprises that supply all kinds of components to its core operations as well as to competing automobile manufacturers. HASCO is becoming a sprawling empire that also cooperates with many well-known international suppliers and establishes local joint ventures. Today, the supplier group has nearly five hundred production or R&D centers, of which about one hundred are located outside China.

Today, HASCO Group, a member of SAIC Group, is a comprehensive automotive parts system integration supplier providing advanced technology, reliable products, and high-quality services to major OEMs worldwide.

What is HASCO?
HASCO is the name of China’s leading supplier of automotive parts. The company focuses on research and development, manufacturing, and marketing of automotive components. established at the beginning of the 2000s by SAIC Group, HASCO has grown into a world leader in its segment in no time.

In terms of visual identity, HASCO is all about progress and innovations. The brand uses abstract graphics and futuristic custom typeface, which together create a perfect depiction of the HASCO values and principles.

???? – Today


The HASCO logo is composed of a bold uppercase wordmark, “covered” by an emblem, made up of numerous circles, some of which are connected by thin lines, creating an interesting ornament. This graphical element resembles an Earth, a sphere, showing the international expansion of the brand and its core values, while the logotype is all about stability and confidence. As HASCO is a large group of companies, for each of its divisions the logo is accompanied by a small tagline, in the case of auto parts, it is an “Automotive” inscription set in the bottom right corner of the logo.

Font and color

HASCO Emblem

The bold uppercase lettering from the official HASCO logo is set in a futuristic geometric sans-serif typeface with distinctive contours of capitals. The closest fonts to the one, used in this insignia, are, probably, Good Times Bold, or Lokko St Extra Bold, with minor modifications.

As for the color palette of the HASCO visual identity, there are several options: black on white, white on gray, or a combination of blue emblem and dark-gray lettering on a white background. All three schemes look very professional and serious, representing the brand at its best.

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