Cloudflare Logo

Cloudflare logoCloudflare Logo PNG

Cloudflare is an IT company, which was organized in 2009 in the United States and specializes in computer-security and content-management services alongside domain registration.

Meaning and history

Cloudflare Logo history
The Cloudflare logo was designed in 2009 and redesigned just once, in 2016, keeping the color palette and the composition of the original logo.

2009 — 2016

Cloudflare Logo 2009
The earliest version was more cluttered than the current one. This partly resulted from the “wet” effect and the gradient. Also, there was the sun with multiple sunrays (perhaps, to echo the word “flare” from the name). The glyphs in the wordmark were rather wide and didn’t have enough space between them, which gave an impression that the space was scarce and the glyphs had been squeezed there.

2016 — Today

Cloudflare logo

The current version is flat. It is comprised of a wordmark with a bright emblem above its right “Flare” part.

The inscription in all the capital letters is executed in a simple bold sans-serif type-face with a lot of room between the lines, which makes the logo look light and fresh.

The Cloudflare emblem is a graphical interpretation of the company’s name. Com-posed of an orange cloud and a white flare in it, it looks modern and neat. Especially in comparison to the original version, where the three-dimensional cloud and the flare beyond it were drawn too detailed.

The orange and black-and-white color combination of the Cloudflare logo represents the strong and dynamic company, which values progress and security. The company, that is powerful and creative, the one, that moves forward every day.

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