Boutique Feel Logo

Boutique Feel logoBoutique Feel Logo PNG

Boutiquefeel is an online fashion retailer, which is specialized in women’s clothing and accessories and has over 100 thousand items in its catalog. The company operates worldwide, offering flexible delivery rates and has a lot of fans across the globe due to the affordable prices.

Meaning and history

The visual identity of the e-commerce platform is all robust luxury and elegance. The text-based logo, executed in a traditional fashion industry color palette, is fine and sophisticated.

The black lettering is placed in a white background with its curved lines, reflecting femininity and finesse. The inscription looks traditional and even old-fashioned, but when you see it in the packaging or on the website with hundreds of trendy outfits — it looks just perfect.

The monochrome palette symbolizes strength and confidence, evoking a sense of reliability and trustworthiness. Sometimes the brand switches colors on its logo and puts a white inscription on a black background. In this mixture the visual identity becomes sharp and bold, looking more modern and stylish.

2015 – Today

Boutique Feel logo


The wordmark of the e-commerce platform is executed in an ornate and elegant script typeface, which is similar to ITC Edwardian Script Pro, but with more elongated and curved tails of “B” and a simplified “q” for a better balance.


The website of the fashion retailer, available in five languages, offers one of the best selections of trendy and affordable women’s wear with international delivery.

The company’s catalog includes such categories as dresses, tops and bottoms, lingerie and swimwear, shoes and a plus-size section, featuring a wide variety of outfits.

Dresses make the biggest part of the e-commerce platform’s assortment and here you can find all the possible styles and colors — mini, midi and maxi. In black or white, or with colorful patterns, office style or a sparkling gown. And everything at bargain prices.

As for the shoes, of course, it’s all about heels, but you can also find a nice pair of flats and sandals, some of them with up to 90% discount.

The company offers worldwide delivery, 24/7 online customer support and flexible return and exchange conditions, along with a safe and easy payment system. Everything on their website is made for the clients’ convenience.

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