Arkansas PB Golden Lions Logo

Arkansas PB Golden Lions LogoArkansas PB Golden Lions Logo PNG

Arkansas PB Golden Lions Is the name of an athletic program from the University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff, which was established in 1874. The program is composed of 16 men’s and women’s teams, which all play in the first division of the National Collegiate Athletic Association.

Meaning and history

Arkansas PB Golden Lions Logo history

Arkansas PB Golden Lions is the name of the men’s teams of the athletic program from the University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff, although there are also 8 women’s teams in the program, which are called Lady Lions. All teams are a part of the first division of the NCAA, and also members of the Southwestern Athletic Conference, an intercollegiate organization, which was established in 1920, and consists of 12 college members.

What are Arkansas PB Golden Lions?
Arkansas PB Golden Lions is the collegiate athletic program of the University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff, which consists of eight men’s and eight women’s (Lady Lions) teams, which compete in various sports disciplines, including indoor and outdoor Track and Field, Basketball, Baseball, Cross Country, Soccer, and a few others.

In terms of visual identity, the athletic program from the University of Arkansas at Pine Buff shows consistency and loyalty. Since 2001 the badge of the program’s teams has been based on just one element — the lion’s head, executed in an intense shade of yellow. No additional lettering or framing is present on the logo, and it’s not needed, as the drawing is extremely powerful and strong on its own.

2001 — 2014

Arkansas PB Golden Lions Logo 2001

The Arkansas PB Golden Lions badge, designed in 2001, boasts a modern and strong image of a lion’s head, drawn with thick lines and their ends sharp. The image is set in solid yellow, with bold black outlines all over the face and mane of the animal. The Lion has its face turned to the left, its mouth with sharp white teeth open, and its eyes colored red, as a sign of danger, strength, and aggression. The mane of the animal is slightly exaggerated and looks like a flame, which only elevated the whole fighting mood of the logo, showing the character of the teams, and their spirit.

2015 — Today

Arkansas PB Golden Lions Logo

The redesign of 2015 has changed nothing but the disposition of the lion’s head. Now the animal has its face turned to the right, while all other details remained untouched. The colors of the badge were deepened and refined a little, with the red tongue and eyes of the Lion getting brighter and more visible, and the yellow mane and face of the animal — darker.

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