Toledo Walleye Logo

Toledo Walleye LogoToledo Walleye Logo PNG

The Toledo Walleye took the place of the Toledo Storm established in 1991 and based in Toledo, Ohio. The new name for the ice hockey team was announced in 2009, so the 2009-2010 season is considered to be the year of foundation of the Walleye franchise.

Meaning and history

The design of the Walleye’s logo is based on the team’s name. So it is worth mentioning where the name came from.

The team needed a name with a strong regional appeal. Naming sports teams after animals is a long-standing tradition, so the franchise’s choice fell on the walleye. It is a fish which is found in abundance in the area and is popular with thousands of anglers.

The logo incorporates a personified yellow walleye fish wearing a hockey helmet and holding a hockey stick. One tooth is missing, which produces a comic effect.

Toledo Walleye hockey logo

The wording “Toledo Walleye” in white is placed against a navy blue background. The whole image is surrounded by a powder blue border.

It is fair to say that a cartoonish animal with a hockey stick and a missing tooth have become clichés. Yet, the Walleye managed to develop a unique indigenous logo that appeals to fans of all age groups and, what is no less important, helps merchandise sales.

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