Prudential Logo

Prudential LogoPrudential Logo PNG

Prudential is an English company, which specializes in providing insurance and financial services. The company was established in London in 1848 and today has its operating offices and subsidiaries across Europe and Asia, serving more than 20 million customers. The group has over 20 thousand employees and annual revenue of almost 100 billion USD.

Meaning and history

Prudential Logo history

The iconic Prudential visual identity is instantly recognizable all over the globe. The logo is composed of a light and elegant emblem with a traditional wordmark under it.

The company’s emblem was first created in 1848 and depicted an image of Prudence, one of 4 cardinal virtues, from the painting of Sir Joshua Reynolds. On the first version of the firm’s visual identity the symbol was drawn in detail and depicted a lady standing straight and looking in a hand mirror in her left hand. From the right side of the lads, there was a curved serpent.

On some of the versions Prudence is depicted with a compass or a book, but the famous insurance company chose the original version.

Prudence is a symbol of intelligence and foresight, it also represents the awareness of past, present, and future.

The current version of the corporate logo was created by a famous Wolff Olins design agency in 1986 and wasn’t changed much by mows it is a stylized and modernized portrait of Prudence, executed in thick smooth lines in a light gray color.

All the original symbols were kept in the emblem, but hidden in the lady’s hair. The arrow, symbolizing strength, and the serpent, standing for wisdom are placed on the left side of Prudence’s face, while the mirror, showing the willingness to see the world as it is, is located on the right.

The lady has a red ribbon across her forehead, which is balanced by a simple red wordmark, which was added to the visual identity only at the end of the 1990s.

The gray and red color palette of the Prudential logo is a representation of the passion and power of the company along with its energy and responsibility. The light gray also evokes a sense of comfort and balance.

1983 – 1986

Prudential Logo 1983
The 1983 logo depicted the corporation’s name in a strict serif typeface. It was placed on the right from the emblem, showing the company’s main building as the sketch.

1986 – Today

Prudential Logo
As we’ve told, on the 1986 logo was a woman’s face featured in dark gray contours. There was also a red band on her forehead. The brand name was written below; it had the elegant red font with many letters connected to each other.

2001 – 2019

Prudential Logo 2001
In 2001, the company brightened the colors a bit and renovated the name’s font. This time it became a simple sans-serif print with gaps between the letters. The only feature was that the ‘E’ character had unequal length of its lines.


The company’s wordmark in all capitals is executed in a custom solid sans-serif typeface, which is very similar to Matahari Sans Extra Bold with horizontal bars’ diagonal cut, which adds uniqueness and sharpness to the company’s visual identity, making it recognizable and adding an individual character to the inscription.

The clean straight lines of the letters and their distinct angles evoke a sense of professionalism and stability, making the customer feel confident in the organization. The lettering creates a sense of reliability and trustworthiness, reflecting the high-quality of the company’s products and services.

Logo Prudential


One of the most reliable financial services providers of the United Kingdom, Prudential was organized in the middle of the 19th century and grew into one of the world’s leading providers of life insurance and pensions.

The financial products and assistance of the corporation, operating in the UK, Europe, North America, and Asia, include life insurance, pensions, and annuities as well as collective investment schemes.

Due to its strong presence on all the continents, the company has more than 1,5 million customers in the United States and over 2 million — in Asia.

Known for its professionalism and reliability, Prudential is constantly developing, offering new customizable products and consulting services, available through its website, phone-line and sells offices across the globe.

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