The Unity Of Belarusian Opposition

Three oppositional parties united under one logo in order to try and lead the country to a better and brighter future.

On July 16th, the headquarters of the leading opposition participants of the presidential election in Belarus Viktor Babariko and Valery Tsepkalo announced their support of Sviatlana Tikhanovskaya, who was registered and a presidential candidate.

The new campaign, created for a united opposition, is based on three,  women: Sveltala Tikhanovskaya herself, Maria Kolesnikova, the manager of Babariko headquarters, and Veronica Tsepkalo, wife of Valery Tsepkalo.

The main idea of the campaign as a whole and its logo, in particular, is Togetherness and willingness to change the country for the better. The logo is composed of three emoji-style symbols — a red heart, a fist, and a hand with two fingers up, which stand for love, power, and peace.

The image is executed in red, white, and black, with bold black contouring, accenting in strength and confidence, while red shows passion courage, and white is the color of loyalty and responsibility.

Under the emblem, a black handwritten wordmark “Вместе”, which is Russian for “Together”, is placed.

The Peace-sign is also an official logo of Valery Tsepkalo, one of the most famous oppositional leaders of Belarus. In his campaign, the emblem is colored blue and white, as a symbol of reliability and trustworthiness.

The symbolism in the visual identity of the Belarusian opposition is minimalist yet powerful and remarkable. It shows all the important features and values of the leaders and the main thing of any politics — unity, and trust.

It is a brilliant example of a contemporary political logo, which reflects progressiveness and shows the young spirit and confidence of the new team of people, who are ready to take the responsibility for the country and all the citizens.

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