Naruto is the name of one of the most famous manga comics, created by Masashi Kishimoto in 1995. The anime tv-series, based on the story of Naruto ninja, was re-leased in 2002 and had 220 episodes.
Meaning and history
The Naruto text-based visual identity is bright and brave. The famous manga logo is instantly recognizable all over the world and has never been changed since the day of its creation.
The Naruto logo is composed of a wordmark in all the capitals. The inscription is executed in a custom hand-drawn typeface with extra-thick graffiti-style lines, which are all connected to each other.
The color of the Naruto nameplate is a gradient orange, which features all the pos-sible shades — from the darkest and most intense, to the lighted, almost white ones.
The bright letters have a thin white outline, which makes the inscription look more distinct and confident. In addition to the outline, the wordmark also featured a brave blue shadow, which creates strong contrast with the main logo color and makes the nameplate look even brighter.
The soft bold lines of the Naruto lettering harmonize the sharpness of the manga characters and evoke a sense of energy and dynamics, which are the famous ninja’s most important characteristics.