Linux Logo


Unix-like computer operating system, Linux dates its history to 1991, when Linus Torvalds launched the Linux kernel, which became the base of the operating system. The company’s official mascot is a stylized penguin called Tux. Although there’s a standardized basic version of this emblem, in fact the penguin may appear in various styles.

Meaning and history

Linux Logo history
If you want a customized Tux, you may purchase a blank toy and hand paint it to your taste. The penguin was adapted to a toy, which was named Gwin, by October Toys. There are several limited series created by different artists

Linux was created from the ground up at the beginning of the 1990s as an open-source alternative to Unix. Linux uses many of the principles and mechanisms of Unix, but the code is different. Moreover, Linux is open source: anyone can download the source code for the Linux kernel and see how it all works.and this is one of the things, which make this OS so popular.

The Linux trademark was registered by the developer, but the name itself was chosen by a user vote. The current symbol of the operating system, the penguin Taxa, was invented personally by the system’s developer, Linus Torvalds.

What is Linux?
Linux is an operating system, which was released in 1991. The Linux OS runs on almost every server on the Internet. Linux is both the central module that is responsible for the basic features of the system and the name of a family of operating systems that includes between 500 and 600 OS for different tasks.

1996 – Today

Linux logoThe discussion about creating a mascot for Linux started at the beginning of 1996. There were quite a few suggestions, some of them being actually parodies of other IT logos. Very soon Linus Torvalds, the creator of the defining component of Linux, mentioned that he liked penguins, in general. Also, he mentioned that he was bitten by a penguin during his stay in Australia.

The earliest version of the logo was designed by Larry Ewing in 1996. Interestingly enough, the company held three competitions for a Linux logo, but the one created by Larry Ewing won none of them. However, it was this emblem that became the company’s mascot.

2005 – 2008

Linux Logo-2005
The Linux logo from 2005 stayed with the OS for just three years and was a fun caricature on the initial three-dimensional penguin. The new animal was drawn in a circular shape and had its true enlarged and crossed. The Linux Penguin looked as if it was working in from of the computer for days, not even hours.

2008 – Today

Linux Logo-2008
The redesign of 2008 refined the image from 2005, adding some more realistic shape to the circular Penguin body and some glance at its texture. The emblem from 2007, which is still used by Linux today, is something in between the original emblem from the 1990s and the caricature one from 2005.


Symbol Linux

The Linux symbol is a stylized penguin, with its feet turned to the viewer. Tux has rather big round eyes and a friendly “smile”. It may be dressed or depicted in a number of ways, depending on context.


Font of the Linux Logo

There are at least two explanations why the emblem is called Tux. James Hughes, who is believed to be the first to use this name, claimed that it was an abbreviation for “(T)orvalds (U)ni(X)”. Yet, many people consider that it is just a short word for “tuxedo”, as penguins may look as if they are “dressed” in this type of clothing.

The wordmark is given in a customized serif font. The initial letter is capital, while all the other letters are not capitalized. However, we should point out that the wordmark is not an essential part of the Linux logo: it can consist of the Tux only, without any inscriptions.

There is a word for a tattoo depicting the Linux penguin (“Tuxtoo”)


The emblem uses a combination of yellow, black, and white. Some of the meanings attributed to these colors by psychologists include happiness, intelligence, and enthusiasm..

There are almost 20 species of penguin, and Tux belongs to neither of them. His closest “relative” is an Adelie penguin

What is Linux?
Linux is the name of one of the most widely used operating systems, which was created at the beginning of the 1990s. The OS is open-source, which means it is available for anyone. Linux is used by many modern devices and gadgets and is also loved by hackers.

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