Humphry Slocombe Logo

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Humphry Slocombe is a gourmet ice cream brand known for unconventional flavors. Originating in San Francisco, it caters to a niche market of food enthusiasts. Independent ownership keeps it innovative, with a presence primarily in select U.S. urban locales and through online sales.

Meaning and history

Humphry Slocombe burst onto the San Francisco food scene in 2008, founded by Jake Godby and Sean Vahey. They shook up the ice cream world with innovative and bold flavors, from ‘Secret Breakfast’ to ‘Jesus Juice.’ Their mission: to push the boundaries of traditional ice cream while delighting taste buds.

From a single Mission District location, Humphry Slocombe quickly became a cult favorite, often featuring lines out the door. They harnessed social media to spike interest, tweeting flavors to their fervent followers. Their unique approach to ice cream also garnered critical acclaim, featuring in national media.

The company sustained its original leadership, with Godby helming flavor development and Vahey managing business operations. Rather than expanding via franchising, they focused on quality, opening a few select locations in the Bay Area and partnering with local and national retailers to carry their pints.

Humphry Slocombe has remained privately held, avoiding large-scale corporate acquisition to preserve its artisanal ethos. While production scaled up to meet demand, they’ve stayed true to small-batch processes, ensuring the same quirky, handcrafted feel that originally put them on the map.

In a world where big-name ice cream brands often dominate, Humphry Slocombe stands out as a beacon of independent innovation, continuing to serve up scoops of unexpected joy to those seeking something beyond vanilla.


Humphry Slocombe Logo

The visual identity for Humphry Slocombe showcases a whimsical ice cream cone illustration in a striking azure hue. The cone, represented by a crisscross pattern, supports an oversized, stylized scoop of ice cream on top. This scoop is rendered in a bold silhouette, providing a modern and playful touch. The company name, “Humphry Slocombe,” is emblazoned across the cone in a bright blue banner, featuring a clean, sans-serif font that conveys a contemporary and friendly vibe. The overall design captures the brand’s innovative and unconventional approach to classic ice cream.

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