Colorado State University Logo

Colorado State University LogoColorado State University Logo PNG

Colorado State University is a government-owned educational organization, founded in 1870 and based in the United States. The operations of the university are focused on researching, classification and distribution of knowledge across the students in spheres of agricultural and mechanical sciences, as well as many other fields of study. This is flagship university in the state of Colorado, which is also offering land for the students who make outstanding achievements in science, business, arts or make improvements in the learning process.

Meaning and history

Colorado State University Logo history

Colorado Agricultural College appeared in 1870 as a state-owned college preparing specialists in fields of agricultural science. Under that name, the institute had been existing for more than 60 years. In 1935, it was restructured and started educating professionals not only in agriculture front, but also in various areas of mechanic arts. As the institute grew, it had to expand its list of studied disciplines, so in 1957 the officials of the government and the university established Colorado State University, which would examine business, technology, computer studies and many others.

What is Colorado State University?
Colorado State University is a group of research colleges, schools and other facilities, which provides high-quality educational services. They educate professional specialists in various fields of business, agricultural sciences, technology, mechanics, et cetera. The CSU students, who provide the country or university with groundbreaking solutions, really helping to solve their issues and problems, can apply for a grant of a land post. The main facilities of the university are located in Fort Collins, Colorado, the United States.

1957 – today

Colorado State University Logo

The first seal appeared in 1957. Its external ring contains the name of the brand and the year of the foundation of Colorado Agricultural College. Deeper in the seal, we can see four words: ’Education’, ‘Service’, ‘Research’, ‘Extension. They’re also written at the perimeter. At the center, there is a shield-like extension with a pickaxe crossing a hammer. Above the shield, we can see a halberd with a thickened handle. At the top of this part of the seal, there is a mason triangle with many strokes coming from it.

1957 – today

Colorado State University Logo 1957

They also have a signature with an emblem and an inscription with the name. The emblem depicts a ram’s head on a circle. The lettering is written to the right from the emblem in a single line. They put the name and the emblem together if the background is a signboard or a website page. However, you can find non-emblem versions on the Internet.


Colorado State University Symbol

There are two fonts used for the inscription in the university’s logotype. The first one is often used to describe the name on the signboards, nameplates, and others. This one has a custom bold script with prominent serifs. All letters are either connected to each other or have a little space in between. The first characters of each word have a special feature: their serifs are sharp and thin.

As for the second version of the font, which is mostly used on the website or in social media, so it depicts a bold angular typeface with small gaps between uppercase sans-serif characters. Actually, modern fonts with the style similar to the one we’ve described are often used for the contents on the website, including names of the pages or some inscriptions.


Colorado State University Emblem

The color scheme of the brand website depicts a strict yet simple combination. For the badge with a ram’s head, they’ve used a white shade for the head, and green for its background. The name coloring varies depending on the font and background. It may be painted green or white.

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