Citizens Bank Logo

Citizens Bank logoCitizens Bank Logo PNG

Citizens Bank is an American financial company, which provides banking services. It was established in 1828, and today is in the top30 of the USA’s biggest banks.

Meaning and history

Citizens Bank Logo history

Citizens Bank is an American financial organization, which was established at the end of the 1820s and by today has grown into one of the 20 largest banks in the United States.

Citizens Bank has more than a thousand branches, which operate in 11 states of the USA. In addition to the banking offices, the company also manages over 3 thousand ATMs all over the country.


Citizens Bank Logo old

The original Citizens Bank badge was executed in a light and tender shade of green, with the uppercase inscription in a medium-bold and slightly narrowed serif typeface accompanied by a minimalistic geometric emblem on the left. The lettering has the first character of each word enlarged, which made the classic font look more interesting. As for the emblem, it was a stylized letter “C”, formed by three geometric figures in solid green with thin white lines separating them.

2006 – Today

Citizens Bank logo

The Citizens Bank logo is composed of a wordmark and an emblem, known as the “daisy wheel”, located on its left, or above it, depending on the logo’s placement.

The Bank was acquired by The Royal Bank of Scotland in 1988 and the current corporate logo for both organizations was designed in 2005, based on the RBS symbol from 1969.

The “Daisy Wheel” was created from the piles of coins, which designers arranged into a shape of 4 arrows, which point inside the symbol. The emblem became a reflection of the wealth and interests of the bank’s customers.

The Citizens Bank logo uses the same image, but a different color palette. The turquoise-green color of the background shows the company’s energy and fresh approach, while the white of the insignia and wordmark celebrates purity and authority.

The Citizens Bank nameplate is executed in a modern sans-serif font with bold smooth lines and traditional shapes. It is a strong and bright logo, which is instantly recognizable due to the brave use of colors. The emblem is a perfect representation of the bank’s value system and philosophy.

Citizens Bank emblem

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