ASU Logo

ASU logoASU Logo

The Arizona State University was selected America’s most innovative school, according to US News & World Report (2016-2017).

Meaning and history

ASU Logo

Taking into consideration the school’s long history (it was founded in 1885), it is only natural that its logo has been altered more than once. Today, the University uses the sunburst logo adopted in 1995.

What is ASU?
ASU is an abbreviation, standing for Arizona State University, a public educational institution in the United States, which was established in 1885. Today ASU is one of the largest universities in America, with nearly 150 thousand students and 25 thousand postgraduates.


ASU emblem

The current logo features the sun incorporated into the three letter forms (“A”, “S”, and “U”). The image vividly conveys the University’s mission and purpose: innovation and research.

The sun burst emblem may be used together with the wordmark to form the so-called ASU signature. It can be given in two versions (landscape-oriented or centered).


ASU symbol

The school’s sports program is called Arizona State Sun Devils. In 1980–2010, their logo featured the mascot called Sparky the Sun Devil, while the current version sports a gold trident with a maroon outline.


Font Logo ASU

The ASU wordmark features a customized type based on Perpetua Titling Regular.Simple as it is, it does its job perfectly.


Color ASU Logo

The two ASU’s official colors are maroon(Pantone 208) and gold (Pantone 123). Both are featured in the logotype.

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