The Etsy brand was created from scratch. One of the co-founders, Robert Kalin, mentioned that one of the reasons why he opted for this name was that he heard “etsi” (meaning “oh, yes” in Italian) a lot of times in Fellini’s 8 ½. The site restricts access for many users, in particular, the site is not available for Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and many other countries.
Meaning and history
The commerce platform was created by co-founders Robert Kalin, Chris Maguire, and Haim Schoppik in Brooklyn in 2005. Later, Jared Tarbell started working with them. There were quite a few reasons for the platform to become successful. One of them was the growing number of shoppers interested in unique handmade and vintage items.
2005 – Today
The company has a simple script logo. Unlike many modern logotypes, this one obeys the rules of the English grammar and has a capitalized initial, while all the other letters are lowercased. Because of this, the emblem has a traditional look, which is only emphasized by the classic typeface.
Favicon emblem
The favicon features a capital “E” in a square box. The letter is white, while the background is of the company’s signature shade of orange.
The Minister EF Book font, designed by Carl Albert Fahrenwaldt, looks very close to the type featured on the Etsy logo. The website features Guardian Egyptian with Georgia as a safe font.
Orange has been the company’s key color ever since it was established. Moreover, Robert Kalin mentioned that while he was writing down his ideas of what was to become Etsy he was sitting in an orange chair.