US Air Force Logo

US Air Force LogoUS Air Force Logo PNG

US Air Force is a unit of the US Armed Forces, formed as a separate entity in 1946 by the Congress. The headquarters are located in Pentagon, Virginia. This is one of the military tools helping the United States achieve their goals. Their list of services include air superiority providing, enemy scouting and observing, airlifting, strategic bombing and striking, as well as commanding and controlling of human, physical, and information resources. These are one of the world’s most powerful and innovative air forces, having a total fleet consisting of 328k+ acrive personnel, 5k+  airships and 400+ ICBMs.

Meaning and history

US Air Force Logo history

In 1907, the US War Department established the predecessor of the Air Force as US Aeronautical Division, U.S. Signal Corps. During the first half of the century, this military branch would participate in both World Wars, initially serving as an intelligence entity, but then playing an important role in combat.

During the World War II, Air division of the US Army proved its effectiveness. Almost 68,000 US men died fighting in their airplanes. Finally, in 1946, following a line of name changes and organizational restructurings, the unit became separate as US Air Force.

What is US Air Force?
It is a consistent branch in the United States Army, which was formed as an independent military unit in 1946 by the National Security Act signed by President Truman. The main offices, servers, and organizational facilities are based in Pentagon, Virginia. Their core missions include air domination, supplies and people transportation, global reach, reconnaissance, strike as well as command & control. USAF are meant to maintain defense, peace and order in the territories held by the country. Their total active personnel is composed of about 330k men and 5k air ships, spread across the military bases and aerodromes in the whole world.

1946 – today

US Air Force Logo 1946

The official seal of the US Air Force is a circular signature used to mark the documents. It is divided into four parts: an external frame; a ring with the ‘Department of the Air Force’ inscription, placed centrally above, and ‘United States of America’ lettering at the bottom; a central circle which has a thin contour, 13 stars reflecting 13 original American states, as well as the year of USAF foundation in Latin numbers; and two images at the very center: an American eagle above a shield with a stylized aircraft, crossed by many pikes.

1946 – today

US Air Force Logo

The US Air Forces logotype depicts two with curled upper ends. Below them, there is a circle, while below the circle they drew three quadrangles. All this is drawn in such a way, so one can easily recognize a star in the space between the shapes. Below the whole picture, there is the unit’s name.


US Air Force Symbol

in the seal, the color code consists of black, golden yellow, white, dark and bright blue, and brown. The golden color stands for the year of foundation, the crest on the shield and frames bordering the sigil’s sectors. White represents the cloud behind the eagle, part of the shield, stars, and the ring with the inscriptions. The eagle is brown. Finally, black represents the nameplates.

The logotype is featured in a poorer color palette – only dark blue represents the signature’s elements.


US Air Force Emblem

In the font scheme, they used only serif scripts for the seal. The letters are capitalized, and they have small gaps in between. In the logotype, the text caption uses a semibold sans-serif typeface with uppercase characters.

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