Pure Logo

Pure logoPure Logo PNG

Pure is a racing video game, created by Disney in 2008. Originally developed for consoles, the game has also its version available for Microsoft Windows. Developers offer two modes: single and multiplayer and integrate a trick reward system.

Meaning and history

Pure is a sports game with a third-person view, which is representative of a unique genre – ATV racing. Created by Black Rock Studio, whose main specialization has always been racing games, Pure was released in 2008 by Disney Interactive Studios. Remarkably, in all the many years since the game’s release, not a single sequel or even remaster has been created.

Despite its defined genre, the game Pure is not just a quad bike simulator, and it is hard to call it a race in the usual sense. There is no hard competitive mode and struggle for the first place. And in general, in Pure quad bikes are mostly levitating, although all the tracks of the game were created based on real prototypes. Here you can see unique landscapes not only in the USA but also in New Zealand and even Italy.

There are four types of racing modes in the game: Freestyle, where the player performs tricks for points; Sprint, which is a long tour of five laps; Race, which is a three-lap race; and Freeride, which allows users to explore tracks as well as practice performing tricks.

Tuning enthusiasts are not left out. Pure quad bikes can be assembled literally from scratch, and this process in the game is made very interesting and exciting so that many people already customization the vehicle bringing a full range of emotions expected from the game.

2008 – Today

Pure logo

The Pure visual identity is minimalist and laconic yet looks bright and is instantly recognizable all over the world.

The Pure logo is composed of a wordmark with an emblem, which is usually placed inside the nameplate or under it.

The inscription in all capital letters is executed in a strong geometric sans-serif typeface, which is slightly italicized. The letters are placed very close to each other so that their outlines touch one another.

The Pure emblem is a detailed image of a person and the racing cart. It is usually placed inside the letter “U” of the wordmark, but come time it can be located under the lettering or even as a background for the cover.

The color palette of the Pure logo is red and black, which is a powerful combination, reflecting strength, passion, and energy. The game’s logo shows its essence and evokes a sense of speed and freedom it looks modern and powerful, yet pretty simple.

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