FOREO is a Swedish company, which specializes in the production and distribution of skincare devices. The company was established in 2013 and today sells its silicone face brushes across the globe through numerous beauty retailers and their website, which offers worldwide delivery.

Meaning and history

2013 – Today


The visual identity of the famous Scandinavian beauty brand is minimalist and laconic. Its text-based logo looks simple yet elegant and even luxury.

The gray and white color palette of the company’s nameplate represents a strong brand, which is reliable and professional. Gray also evokes a sense of authority and white stands for loyalty, showing how much the customer means for the company.

For its icon e-store uses the letter “F”, executed in the same color scheme, as the main logo, and this simple and strict symbol is instantly recognizable across the globe and is synonymous with the quality mark in the segment of skincare devices.

Sometimes the brand uses pink and white color combination for its visual identity, which shows its main audience — ladies, and adds a tender feeling, reflecting the delicate cleansing of the skin.


The wordmark of the brand is executed in a custom sans-serif typeface, which is close to Masiva Regular font, but with the letter “R” modified. The “R” of the inscription has its contour open, which adds lightness to the logo.

The thin straight lines of the letters and a lot of space between them make the FOREO nameplate look modern and fresh, creating a progressive and dynamic mood, and showing the values of development and innovations.


The FOREO website offers a full range of the company’s products — skin and oral care devices along with a special line for men. The e-store’s selection includes facial silicone brushes for cleaning and reducing signs of aging and super effective toothbrushes.

The Company’s technology is based on the T-sonic vibrations, which help to unclog pores and removing dead skin cells. They are also claimed to help in better work of creams and moisturizes, and make the skin look fresher and younger.

The beauty devices are designed and developed in Sweden and manufactured in China, which allows producing a bigger amount of tools in order to provide customers from all over the world with iconic products.

The company has already sold more than 20 million skincare devices through its website, along with its products available in the physical stores across the globe.

The online platform offers worldwide delivery through DHL and UPS services, which are both considered to be one of the most reliable shipping companies in the world. The secure payment system of the website accepts almost all types of credit cards, including American Express and Discovery.

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