Democratic Party Logo

Democratic Party LogoDemocratic Party Logo PNG

The Democratic Party of the United States is the oldest political party in the United States and one of the two major parties (the other being the Republican Party). In its modern form, it adheres to centrist and a lesser extent center-left ideology. The Democratic Party traces its history back to 1928.

Meaning and history

Democratic Party Logo history

The Democratic Party of the United States was founded in 1828 as a result of the unification of several factions of the Democratic-Republican Party that existed in the late 18th and early 19th centuries. Initially, the Democrats advocated the preservation of slavery and the priority of state legislation over federal legislation, which corresponded to the interests of planter slaveholders of the South.

As the contradictions between the North and the South (particularly on the issue of slavery) intensified, the Democratic Party split. Southern planters, who needed new land to expand production, demanded that slavery be extended to the western territories. Northern state Democrats, led by Stephen Douglas, advocated that each new state decide for itself whether to allow slavery in its territory. The split among Democrats contributed to the consolidation of the Republican Party.

In the first half of the 20th century, the Democratic Party shifted to socially liberal, reformist, and progressivist positions. Today, Democrats advocate the protection of civil rights and liberties, the expansion of social protection, greater political participation, and support for economic development.

Democrats advocate for sexual and racial minorities, help migrants adapt, and support family planning and birth control policies. They also support abortion and oppose the death penalty. The party opposes the free sale of guns.

In the 20th century, Democratic representatives were Presidents Woodrow Wilson (1913-1921), Franklin Roosevelt and Harry Truman (1933-1953), John F. Kennedy and Lyndon Johnson (1961-1969), Jimmy Carter (1977-1981), Bill Clinton (two terms – 1993-2001). Barack Obama (two terms – 2009-2017) and the current President – Joe Biden (from January 20, 2021).

What is The Democratic Party?
The Democratic Party is one of the most influential and largest parties in America. It is also considered to be one of the oldest parties in the world. It was founded in 1828 by the third U.S. President Thomas Jefferson, the seventh U.S. President Andrew Jackson, the eighth U.S. President Martin Van Buren, and several other influential politicians.

The Democrats’ color is blue, and the emblem is a donkey in the colors of the American flag. He appeared on party posters as early as 1828 as a symbol of loyalty. In 1870 this animal with the easy hand of cartoonist Thomas Nast firmly fixed for the Democratic Party: the popular magazine Harper’s Weekly published his cartoon “Donkey kicking a dead lion”.

The 1960s – Today

Democratic Party Logo 1960

The Donkey with the American flag pattern became the official emblem of the Democratic Party in the 1960s, and is still in use, with no changes at all. The animal is drawn in two parts — the upper one in solid blue, with the four white five-pointed stars on it, and the bottom one in red. The donkey is turned to the right and placed on a plain white background with no additional elements.

2010 – Today

Democratic Party Logo

One more emblem was created for the Democratic Party in 2010. It was in the same year, that blue became its official color, so no surprise the new logo is executed in blue, but it uses a lighter and calmer shade than the Donkey. The new emblem is a bold capital letter “D” in a geometric sans-serif, set on a white background and enclosed into a circular frame with the same thickness as the bars of the character.

Font and color

Democratic Party Emblem

The Donkey Emblem of the Democratic Party has no lettering on it, and the logo, introduced in 2010 only has one letter, which is written in an extra-heavy geometric sans-serif typeface with distinctive contours and traditional shapes.

As for the color palette of the Democratic Party’s visual identity, we have already mentioned, that its leading color is blue, however, for the most recognizable Party emblem, the Donkey, the palette is extended to blue, red, and white, the scheme of the national flag of the United States.

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