Carnegie Mellon University Logo

Carnegie Mellon University LogoCarnegie Mellon University Logo PNG

Carnegie Mellon University is an American researching center, established in 1900 and based in Pennsylvania. They’re giving their students a professional preparation in various specialities. Carnegie’s paying attention on discovering and analyzing of scientific information in various fields of technology, business, engineering, arts and human sciences. In the list of the CMU facilities, there are seven colleges focused on their own specialties and a dozen of representations in various places of the world.

Meaning and history

Carnegie Mellon University Logo history

At the start, this institute was not a university. It was a group of vocational schools established as facilities where middle-class male and female students could receive some professional skills in technical sciences. The main shareholder and donator of the institute was Andrew Carnegie, after whom all facilities were named. Then, it was restructured into Carnegie Institute of Technology. In 1967, the Carnegie Institute joined with Mellon Institute of Industrial Research, and together they formed Carnegie Mellon University.

What is Carnegie Mellon University?
Carnegie Mellon University is a group of colleges, self-contained schools and educational facilities. It appeared in 1900 and its location is Pittsburgh, United States. CMU provides services of researching, analyzing, systematization and popularization of knowledge across the people. The most important fields of science in which they’re experts are connected with technology, computer software, industries and related areas. But they’re also educating in the spheres of human and social sciences, such as business, marketing, management, et cetera.

1912 – 1967

Carnegie Mellon University Logo 1912

Initially, Carnegie Institute of Technology had a ring-shaped seal. It consisted of three ‘layers’. The biggest of them depicted an inscription with the name of the brand, year of turning into the institute, as well as the address. The next level showed us various ornaments referring to the brand. Finally, the central plate represented the organization’s unchanging motto, ‘My heart is in the work’, and the author of these words – Andrew Carnegie himself.

1967 – today

Carnegie Mellon University Logo

After the Carnegie assemblage with Mellon, the brand designers had to develop an overall watermark capable to reflect values of both organizations. It depicts something like a horse shoe with a fan-like extension inside it. This extension has a striped pattern in which three lines go through another three lines and form an ‘x’-like symbol. This whole symbol is located on a circle with a checkered shawl-like style. Around the circle and the horse shoe on it, we can see an outer ring with the ‘Carnegie Mellon University Pittsburgh Pennsylvania 1900’ lettering.

Sometimes, they also put an inscription with the name of the brand to the right side from the lettering. Usually, they put it on the signboards or on websites.


The font used in the words of the 1967 logo had got two different styles. The upper part of the inscription – ‘Carnegie Mellon University’ – featured bold lines with little gaps between uppercase sans-serif letters. The lower part of the wording received a less bold style. The letters received even more space in between. In contrast, the large name usually put to the right side from the seal was styled with a typical serif type.


The color scheme of the 1912 seal is a typical black and white combination. In comparison with the original mark, the 1967 logo depicts a bouquet of shades: the yellow was used to depict the contours of the seal itself, as well as to feature the outer part of the central symbol (horse shoe) and the ‘x’-like insignia. The checkered circle with a shawl-styled pattern was combined from a set of various shades of red, blue and green.  The white stands for the background of the logo, the inner part of a fan-like element and some lines on a horse shoe.

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