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Established under the patronage of Pope Clement VII, UGR or Universidad de Granada stands as a cornerstone of higher education in Spain. It has a rich history, with roots tracing back to a madrasah founded in 1349.

Today, the university boasts 21 departments, encompassing 17 faculties, and offering a comprehensive curriculum that spans business, natural, social, and liberal sciences, driven by the latest trends, concepts, and practices. With a student population of 88 thousand, UGR’s campuses are strategically situated in Granada, Ceuta, and Melilla.

Meaning and history

Founded in 1531, the University of Granada is one of the oldest and most illustrious universities in Spain, boasting a rich and varied history. With a heritage that spans centuries, this venerable institution has been a bastion of academic excellence, producing some of the world’s greatest minds.

Originally established by the Catholic Monarchs, the university’s early days were marked by a deep commitment to the principles of the Renaissance, with scholars and artists from across Europe flocking to its halls to study and create. Over the centuries, the university has weathered many storms, from war and conflict to political upheaval and financial hardship, but its commitment to learning and research has remained steadfast.

Today, the University of Granada stands as a beacon of intellectualism, attracting students and faculty from around the world to its picturesque campus in the heart of Andalusia. With a diverse and dynamic community, cutting-edge research facilities, and a rich array of academic programs, the university continues to shape the minds of future generations, pushing the boundaries of knowledge and innovation.

What is UGR?
UGR, Spain’s oldest university, was established by papal order from Clement VII in 1531. Its origins stem from a 1349 madrasah, and it currently manages 21 units, among which are 17 faculties, educating 88k students in modern fields of science across three campuses in Granada, Ceuta, and Melilla.

1531 – today

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Nestled in the signature of the University of Granada, one can find the regal insignia of the former Spanish monarch, Juan Carlos de Borbon. This ever-evolving emblem shape-shifts periodically, shedding and acquiring various motifs to mirror the style of the establishment.

The insignia boasts a crest that is segmented into a few divisions, each showcasing a sundry of images from lions and castle fortresses to parts of banners and crosses each encapsulating distinct meanings. The shield comprises four areas, featuring the characters of Castile and Leon, Aragon and Dos Sicily, Austria, and Brabant Old and New Burgundy.

The eagle, a timeless symbol of ultimate state authority, with two heads, and wings extended wide, serves as the backdrop to the shield. A towering red crown, embellished with golden borders and an imposing cross, rests upper the eagle. Meanwhile, the iconic Gideon’s Sign of the Order of the Golden Fleece drapes below the eagle, extending up to the emblem’s core. In the center, we see the smallish coat of arms of the UGR’s creator.

In an earlier iteration of the insignia, two bright beige columns with notes “PLUS” and “ULTRA” were visible. In the contemporary rendition, these pillars have been supplanted by improvised wavy stripes bearing the identical phraseology. The captions surround the eagle on both sides, imparting an impression of the bird as a sentinel, standing guard over the truncated edges of the columns.

All elements of the crest are enclosed by a dual edging, evocative of a colossal circular seal. The phrase “UNIVERSITAS GRANATENSIS 1531” is written along the wide circumference of the original emblem, though the recent rendition lacks any framework, with the text only encompassing the crowned eagle and the tiny coat of arms.


UGR Symbol

The University of Granada’s official symbolism extends beyond its dynamic emblem, incorporating the entity’s name caption. Interestingly, the third word occupies more place than the other two, cleverly emphasizing the city that serves as the university’s vibrant home.

The symmetry of the insignia is maintained via the proportions and original rendering of the letter “N.” The Minion Pro script, utilizing both Medium and Regular lowercase letters, harmonizes the two-word university name into a cohesive visual statement. The “Universidad de” portion is given equal weight to the “Granada” section, allowing the typography to achieve a sense of balance and visual continuity.


UGR Emblem

A vivid color palette of scarlet, gold, and blue highlights the university’s heraldic crest and crown, while black and white lend sophistication to the double-headed bird and encircling lettering. However, red takes center stage as the university’s signature hue, capturing the essence of Granada’s energetic spirit and reinforcing the organization’s prestigious reputation.

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