CSS Logo


CSS is the name of a style-sheet-language, which was created in 1996 and is widely used today for improving the presentation of the web files and pages. The abbreviation CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets, and it is supported by various markup languages.

Meaning and history

CSS Logo history

CSS – Cascading Style Sheets – is basically a language that is responsible for describing the appearance of an HTML document. The vast majority of modern websites are based on HTML+CSS. And while HTML structures the content on the page, CSS allows you to format it and make it more attractive to the reader.

CSS is used by creators of web pages to specify colors, fonts, the layout of individual blocks, and other aspects of representing the appearance of those web pages.

The main purpose of developing CSS was to separate the description of the logical structure of a web page, which is done using HTML or other markup languages, from the description of the appearance of that web page, which is now done using the formal language CSS.

The first version of CSS was adopted as a W3C recommendation in December 1996, and a year and a half later, in May 1998, the second version, CSS2, was released. As of 2024, the latest version as of 2024 is W3 CSS 4.15, launched in 2020, but every year developers add new features to make it easier and better.

2011 – 2024

CSS Logo 2011

The logo of CSS is executed in the same style, as the visual identity of the other products of the company, JavaScript and HTML. The emblem of the languages all feature the same shape and style, yet have different lettering and color palette.

The CSS emblem depicts a sharp shield with straight sides and angles. It is executed in two shades of blue, divided vertically into two parts. The left side of the emblem features a darker blue, while the right part is executed in a lighter shade, but boasts a wide dark outline.

In the middle of the shield, there is a bold white stylized “3” placed. It has its right part straight, which makes it look like the Russian letter “Э”. The upper horizontal bar of the symbol is also a straight line, as well as the middle one, but the bottom bar repeats the triangular part of the shield, adding sharpness and confidence to the whole image.

Another important part of the CSS logo is the black bold lettering above the emblem — the three symbols feature sharp contours and a masculine look. Both “S”s resemble the letter “Z” mirrored, white the “C” is square, with all the bars at 90-degree angles.

This black inscription adds a sense of professionalism and expertise, along with confidence in the highest quality and constant updates of the product.

2024 – Today

CSS Logo

The redesign of 2024 has significantly changed the concept of the CSS visual identity. Now it looks extremely sleek and minimalistic at the same time. The badge is based on a solid purple square, with three rounded angles and just the upper left one sharp. The CSS deleting in bold white capitals of a narrowed sans-serif typeface is written in the bottom right part of the banner and has no accompaniments.

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