Orange Money Logo

Orange Money logoOrange Money Logo PNG

Orange Money is the name of one of the large and reputable European telecommunications company, Orange, which was established in France in 1988. Orange Money was created in the middle of the 2010s and specialized in providing its customers with online payment services and mobile payments.

Meaning and history

The visual identity of the Orange online payment service is based on the corporate style of the European company, though has its additional elements enlarged and emboldened, which makes them the main part of the logo, keeping the “Orange” components as the background, pointing to the affiliation of the service to a reputable firm, and evoking a sense of reliability and trustworthiness.

The Orange Money logo is composed of two parts, which always work together, placed whether in a white or black background. The lettering in a corporate sans-serif typeface is written in the title case and can be set in two levels, on the right from the graphical part, or in one line, placed under the emblem of the service.

Orange Money emblem

The emblem boasts two diagonally placed arrows, the left one pointing upright, and the right one — bottom left. The arrows are drawn in different colors, depending on the background, the left one can be set in white or black, but the right one is always orange. This icon is a graphical representation of what the service does — sending and receiving payments and making the online process easy and direct.

When set on a black background, the Orange a money wordmark is written in orange or white, depending on the needs of the brand, though with the white background the lettering is almost always black, making the right arrow of the emblem the only bright element.

The white, black, and orange color palette of the company’s visual identity is a reflection of stability and professionalism, laced up with energy, dynamics, and progressiveness. Despite being the original color of the famous telecommunication brand, orange also symbolized passion and dynamics, showing the values and principles of the company.

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