Neutrogena Logo

Neutrogena LogoNeutrogena Logo PNG

Neutrogena is an old producer of cosmetics from America. The brand originally produced and supplied cosmetic products for Hollywood stars, which could be bought in some salons in LA. Later, the business was enhanced, and Neutrogena began to sell its goods to the wider audience.

Meaning and history

The Neutrogena history began in 1930, when it was founded. They didn’t have a proper logo back then, instead relying on wordmark in various styles. The first of their official emblems appeared in the 50s. The current name was adopted around that time as well. It was originally the name for their extra clean soap that had neutral acidity.

1951 – 1974

Neutrogena Logo 1951

The original logo by Neutrogena consisted of a gray rectangle with multiple lines on it. In the center of the figure, there was the name, written in an elegant serif typeface. The first ‘N’ character is separated from the others because it was written straight. The remaining part of the word was a bit tilted to the right.

1974 – 1978

Neutrogena Logo 1974

In 1974, the brand designers changed the logo. The rectangle became full black and was narrowed. The white name now was wholly tilted right. The letters became bold but saved their initial typeface.

1978 – today

Neutrogena Logo

The 1978 logo of the brand has the inscription with the white Times New Roman typeface. The word itself is not italicized this time, and it has the major space in the rectangle. There are no other distinctive elements on the logo.

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