Letters and Abbreveations Emojis

In this category everything is pretty simple: choose between red or blue square icons with white letters on them. Apart from separate characters, you can also find abbreviations, which can be quite useful in different situations. As for the blue icons with four letters on them — one shows the capital characters, and the other — the lowercase ones.

🅰 Negative Squared Latin Capital Letter A🅱 Negative Squared Latin Capital Letter B🆎 Negative Squared Ab🆑 Squared Cl🅾 Negative Squared Latin Capital Letter O🆚 Squared Vs🆘 Squared Sos🆔 Squared Id🚾 Water Closet🅿 Negative Squared Latin Capital Letter P🔤 Input Symbol For Latin Letters🔡 Input Symbol For Latin Small Letters🔠 Input Symbol For Latin Capital Letters

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