Conservative Party Logo

Conservative Party LogoConservative Party Logo PNG

The Conservative Party of Great Britain is one of the major political forces in the country. The party was founded in 1867 based on the Tory party, which emerged in the 17th century. The name “Conservatives” has been in use since the 30s of the 19th century, but the name “Tories” is still widely used to refer to the party. The main message of the Conservative Party is to preserve all the good things that have already been achieved in the socio-political sphere.

Meaning and history

Conservative Party Logo history

So, the Conservative Party in England originated in the 17th century, but at that time its supporters were called Tories. The term “Conservatives” began to be used to denote the Tories from the 1830s. After the parliamentary reform of 1832, local organizations of Conservatives began to emerge, which in 1867 merged into the National Union of Conservative and Constitutional Associations. In 1912 the party changed its name to the Conservative and Unionist Party after merging with the Liberal Unionist Party, but this name is hardly ever used.

The main points of the Conservatives’ program are the reduction of excessive funding of social programs and the role of the state in the economy, more responsible spending of public funds, encouragement of private entrepreneurial initiative, and protection of traditional family values. During its years in power, the party managed to achieve significant results, including increased economic growth, lower inflation, higher business revenues, and privatization of several state-owned companies.

For most of the 20th century, the Conservative Party was seen as the “ruling party”, never allowing Labor or the Liberals to hold power for more than one term. The heyday of the Conservative movement came in the 1980s and is associated with the name of Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher. Her name is the basis of the party doctrine of “Thatcherism”. After Margaret Thatcher departed from big politics in 1990, the party experienced a series of setbacks.

However, the 21st century was very productive for the party. The Conservative Party has been in power in the UK for 14 years since 2010. During this time, the party has had five leaders change.

On July 4, 2024, Labor won an absolute majority of seats in the parliamentary elections, and the Conservatives moved to the status of the leading opposition force.

In terms of visual identity, the modern era of the Conservative Party logo design is quite versatile — since the early 1980s, several completely different emblems have been created for the party.

1982 – 1989

Conservative Party Logo 1982

The Conservative Party logo, designed in 1982, was executed in the Union Jack color palette, with the graphical emblem, depicting a stylized torch, drawn against a white background and enclosed into a circular lettering-frame. The inscription was set in the uppercase of an elegant yet bold serif typeface, while the torch was drawn in quite a progressive geometric manner.

1989 – 2000

Conservative Party Logo 1989

The redesign of 1989 kept the idea of a torch as the main element of the Conservative Party’s visual identity but completely changed the style of the image. Now it was a traditional and elegant porch held in a contoured hand, with the elongated red flame lines. The drawing was accompanied by a bold sans-serif “Conservative” lettering in the uppercase, with the first character enlarged.

2000 – 2006

Conservative Party Logo 2000

In 2000 the hand on the emblem was already drawn to the elbow, and the graphical elements were placed on the left part of the composition. As for the inscription, it was now written against a narrow light blue banner, in bold white capitals of a slightly condensed geometric sans-serif typeface. The badge stayed untouched for the next six years.

2006 – 2010

Conservative Party Logo 2006

The redesign of 2006 completely changed the concept of the Conservative Party’s visual identity. The new idea is based on an abstract image of a tree, drawn in wide green and blue strokes, resembling the wax crayon lines. The emblem was set against a plain white background on the left from an enlarged titlecase wordmark, executed in a classy sans-serif typeface, in a sea-green shade.

2010 – 2019

Conservative Party Logo 2010

In 2010 the lettering part was removed from the Conservatives’ visual identity, with just the stylized tree left on it. The emblem has kept its contours, but its color palette was changed and now the wide crone of the tree features a blue, white, and red Union Jack pattern. The badge was in use by the party for almost ten years.

2019 – 2020

Conservative Party Logo 2019

The redesign of 2019 has brought back the concept, introduced in 2006, but switched the color palette of the logo to bright blue and white, and changed the typeface of the title case wordmark to a more rounded and playful one. The logo started looking very lively and progressive, however, it only stayed active for several months.

2020 – Today

Conservative Party Logo

In 2020 the graphical part of the Conservative Party logo was redrawn with wider and smoother strokes, erasing almost all white gaps on the crone of the recognizable trees as for the lettering part, it remained without any significant changes.

Font and color

Conservative Party Emblem

The bold and stable lettering from the primary logo of the Conservative Party of the United Kingdom is set in the title case of a traditional and laconic sans-serif typeface, which looks pretty close to such commercial fonts as Helveticareg Now, Neue Helveticareg or Avenirreg Bold.

As for the color palette of the Conservative Party’s visual identity, it is based on a bright and lively shade of blue, which is associated with Hope, freedom, and trustworthiness.

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