BTicino is an Italian company, operating in the field of electrical low voltage equipment. The company was founded in 1936 by brothers Arnaldo, Luigi and Ermanno Bassani. It’s first name was Ticino Electric Switches and it was mainly focused on production of metal small wares. The company is part of the International Group Legrand and operates both on the Italian market and on the Worldwide one with over 60 offices abroad.
Meaning and history
BTicino, a major manufacturer of designer electrical fittings, low voltage electrical equipment, and control and management systems, was founded in 1936 in Italy by brothers Arnaldo Luigi and Ermanno Bassani and was originally named “Ticino Electric Switches”.
Systematically developing, the company constantly improved the range of products. In 1974 the company changed its name to “Bassani Ticino” and became the first Italian company to offer a full range of electrical products for all industries. The modern name of the company was given in 1989 after it became part of the Legrand Group.
BTicino was the first manufacturer in its field that decided to develop electrical equipment with modern design in mind. The engineers applied not only technological innovations and production automation systems but also paid special attention to the practical requirements of modern interiors. As a result, BTicino has not only gained a well-deserved reputation as an undisputed leader among electrical equipment developers but also received several prestigious awards for achievements in the field of design.
Today, BTicino employs more than 450 engineers, creating new and efficient methods for automation and power supply. The range of products created by the company extends from traditional switches and sockets to the customizable MyHome home automation system, which includes solutions for home comfort and security and easily integrates with a variety of infrastructure equipment of modern housing.
1936 – Today
The BTicino logo is a good reflection of what the brand is focused on. It is masculine, confident and simple with the clean lines of its wordmark and it’s brief color palette.
The bold typeface of the wordmark makes it look brutal, while the playful orange “B” in the beginning of the black wordmark adds a feeling of creativity and energy, which are always welcome in any home.
The all lowercase wordmark shows the bard’s confidence and reliability, which are the most important characteristics for the company’s industry segment.