IEK is the biggest Russian producer of electrical engineering equipment and products for IT technologies with a trademark. IEK offers holistic solutions in the fields of construction, utilities, transport, infrastructure, industry, energy and IT technologies.
Meaning and history
IEK GROUP is one of the leading Russian suppliers and manufacturers of lighting and electrical equipment, as well as industrial automation equipment and products for IT technologies. Equipment from this Russian company is widely used in construction, housing and utilities, transportation, energy, and telecommunications.
In just a few years since its foundation, it has managed to become the leader of the domestic market and to start supplying its products outside Russia.
The history of the iEK company began at the very end of the 1990s, at a rather difficult time for the whole country. Initially, the main activity of the company was wholesale supplies of low-voltage electrical products. But within a short time, the company built its own production, as well as organized the production of low-voltage equipment under its own brand name.
The main advantages and differences of iEK from its competitors were actual business strategies, modern technologies, a European approach to production organization and quality control, young and ambitious management, clear understanding of its goals and objectives. All this has made the company one of the most progressive in the Russian market in a fairly short period.
1999 – Today
The IEK logo is an example of technological brand design. Everything, starting its color palette and the typeface, reflects the brand’s confidence and the quality of its products.
The bold black letters of the wordmark on the brand’s icon are diluted with a yellow rectangular, forming the top bar of the letter “E”. The letter “I” is written in a lower case, so standing next to “E” it forms a very interesting “window” geometry.
The icon of IEK uses only three letters and two colors in its palette, but the company’s logo consists of the “IEK Group” lettering and a square window symbol, executed in five colors – black, green, blue and yellow for the parts of the “window” and white for the dividing lines.