Cheers Emoji

Cheers EmojisCheers Emoji PNG

🥂 🍻

Any feast or party is always accompanied by the clinking of glasses and the “Cheers” shouts. And very often in messages and posts related to the celebration of something, or the approaching weekend, we see emoji with the image of two glasses of champagne or two mugs of beer. It’s interesting, by the way, because girls more often choose champagne, while emoji with mugs of beer are the favorite emoji of many men. So today we’re going to talk about these two Cheers Emoji.

Cheers Emoji

🥂 The Cheers Emoji was assigned the code U+1F942, with which it was added to the Food and Drink section of the Unicode 9.0 standard in 2016.

Emoji Cheers

🍻 The Tipping Mugs emoticon was assigned the code U+1F37B, with which it was added to the Food and Drinks section of Unicode 6.0 in 2010.

Meaning of the Cheers Emoji

Every time we raise our glasses to whatever we are toasting, we always clink glasses. Whether we drink wine or champagne, or maybe just beer, we always clink glasses, and this gesture is commonly known as “Cheers”. Have you ever wondered why we do this? Let’s first familiarize ourselves with the most popular versions of the origin of this tradition.

One of the versions says that this habit appeared in the times of paganism, when people worshiped different gods and believed in different spirits. They brought gifts in the form of food and drinks to the good ones, and the evil ones were scared away by various sounds, including ringing. Initially, they drove them away by ringing bells, but if there was no bell nearby, they just choked, hoping that this sound would be effective.

Another plausible version of the origin of the custom is associated with the fear of being poisoned. In the Middle Ages, the tradition of clinking glasses was a kind of check – and whether the drink in the glass is not poisoned. Everyone clinked cups – so that the drinks splashed from one cup to another. So there was no intruder at the table who planned to poison one of the gathered.

In some sources you can find information that the tradition of tapping came from the knights. During a feast, knights would clink their glasses several times as a sign of respect, which meant unity and brotherhood.

Today, we raise our glasses and say “Cheers” when we celebrate something or honor someone, when we congratulate someone on a significant event, or when we just tune in to have fun together.

Emojis Cheers

The Use of the Cheers Emoji

Interestingly, the British and Americans use the word Cheers in different ways. In America, they say “cheers” when making a toast. In Britain, “cheers” means “thank you.” If someone has done something nice for you, you can thank that person by saying “cheers”. So you can send this emoji with the image of two glasses not only in the context of a feast or celebration, but also as a sign of gratitude.

By the way, when sending this emoji, it is important to know about the cultural background of your interlocutor, because not for everyone this emoticon in principle acceptable. In Japan, too, it is not accepted, but in China – it is allowed, only the position of the glass should talk about the status. A more respected or older person should have a higher glass, a younger person, accordingly, touches his cup to the foot. And with friends it is possible to hold glasses equally.


Clinking glasses is a tradition that is an integral part of many countries around the world. Although it has lost its original meaning, it is closely adhered to during various feasts and events. The Cheers emoji is perfect for messages related to parties and celebrations. You can add these emoticons to congratulatory messages and posts. At the same time. These emoji can mean a simple “Thank you!”.

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