Quad Cities River Bandits Logo

Quad Cities River Bandits LogoQuad Cities River Bandits LogoQuad Cities River Bandits Logo PNG

The Quad Cities River Bandits are a Minor League Baseball franchise with more than 115 years of history. Class-A affiliate of the Houston Astros, the River Bandits have changed more than 10 parent teams throughout their history. Now, they are part of the Midwest League.

Meaning and history

Quad Cities River Bandits Logo historyQuad Cities River Bandits Logo history

2008 – 2013

Quad Cities River Bandits Logo 2008Quad Cities River Bandits Logo 2008The 2008 Quad Cities River Bandits logo featured the franchise’s raccoon mascot, Rascal the River Bandit, in front of the legendary Centennial Bridge. The raccoon was wearing a cowboy hat and a bandana and was holding a large baseball in its paws.

2014 – Today

Quad Cities River Bandits logoQuad Cities River Bandits logo

The focal point of the redesigned logo is once again the raccoon mascot in front of the Centennial Bridge, which is one of the most known places of the Quad Cities. However, this time, the bridge has two arches, which makes it more recognizable.