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Jupiter Hammerheads Logo PNG In spite of its sharp teeth, the Hammerheads shark from the Jupiter Hammerheads logo doesn’t look…
Kane County Cougars Logo PNG Based in Geneva, Illinois, the Kane County Cougars for most of its history have been…
Kannapolis Intimidators Logo PNG Kannapolis Intimidators is the former name of the Minor League Baseball team, which today is known…
KBO League Logo PNG The KBO League, a prominent professional baseball league in South Korea, is overseen by the Korea…
Kingsport Mets Logo PNG The Kingsport Mets were a Minor League Baseball team that served as the Rookie affiliate for…
Laguna Vaqueros Logo PNG The Algodoneros de Unión Laguna is a professional baseball team operating within the Mexican League. Owned…
Lake County Captains Logo PNG One of the Minor League Baseball teams, Lake County Captains, was established in Ohio in…
Lake Elsinore Storm Logo PNG Everybody who would like to trace the Lake Elsinore Storm’s history should begin with the…
Lakeland Flying Tigers Logo PNG Both the name and the logo of the Minor League Baseball franchise the Lakeland Flying…
Lakewood BlueClaws Logo PNG Established in 2001 in Lakewood, New Jersey, the baseball team Lakewood BlueClaws plays in the South…
Lansing Lugnuts Logo PNG The Lansing Lugnuts are a professional minor league baseball team based in Lansing, Michigan. They are…
Lexington Legends Logo PNG The history of the Lexington Legends team started in 2001 when it was established as the…
LIDOM Logo PNG LIDOM is an abbreviation standing for the Professional Baseball League of the Dominican Republic, which was established…
Liga de Béisbol Profesional Roberto Clemente Logo PNG Meaning and history The professional sports league’s beginning takes place back in…
Liga Mexicana de Béisbol Logo PNG Liga Mexicana de Béisbol (LMB) is the premier professional baseball league in Mexico. Founded…
Lowell Spinners Logo PNG Established in 1996, and folded in 2020, the Minor League Baseball franchise, the Lowell Spinners, has…
Lynchburg Hillcats Logo PNG The Minor League Baseball franchise established in 1963 is currently a Single-A baseball club and has…
Mahoning Valley Scrappers Logo PNG The Mahoning Valley Scrappers, quite a young baseball team, played their first official game in…
México Diablos Rojos Logo PNG The Diablos Rojos del Mexico is a baseball franchise that is part of the Mexican…
Midland RockHounds Logo PNG The baseball franchise, known today as the Midland RockHounds was established in 1972 as Midland Cubs…
Midwest League Logo PNG The Midwest League, a distinguished Class A minor league baseball organization, operates under the broader umbrella…
Milwaukee Brewers Logo PNG The baseball team Milwaukee Brewers has gone through several logotypes, the 1978 version being probably the…
Minor League Baseball Logo PNG Minor League Baseball (MiLB), a subsidiary of Major League Baseball (MLB), operates under the ownership…
Mississippi Braves Logo PNG Closed in 2024, the Mississippi Braves club started playing in 1984 as the Greenville Braves. In…
Missoula Osprey Logo PNG For a team named the Missoula Osprey, a logo depicting an osprey with a baseball in…
MLB Logo PNG For several years, there was a controversy about the real author of the MLB logo. Two designers,…
MLB World Series Logo PNG With a rich history dating back to 1903, the World Series has produced unforgettable moments,…
MLB66 Logo PNG MLB66 is the name of a website with Baseball games' online streaming and betting services. The website…
Mobile BayBears Logo PNG The Mobile BayBears is the name of a former Minor League Baseball club, which was affiliated…
Modesto Nuts Logo PNG The Modesto Nuts have been amusing fans with their game and logo since 2005. Before that…
Monclova Acereros Logo PNG Monclova Acereros, also known as the Monclova Steelers, is a professional baseball team that plays in…
Monterrey Sultanes Logo PNG The Monterrey Sultanes is a professional baseball team based in Monterrey, Mexico. The team, owned by…
Montgomery Biscuits Logo PNG Based in Montgomery, Alabama, the Montgomery Biscuits is the Minor League Baseball team, which plays in…
Myrtle Beach Pelicans Logo PNG The franchise’s first official game took place in the spring of 1999. Previously, the team…
New England Collegiate Baseball League Logo PNG New England Collegiate Baseball League was established in 1993 in the United States,…
New Hampshire Fisher Cats Logo PNG The New Hampshire Fisher Cats baseball team started its history in 1993 as the…
New York Collegiate Baseball League Logo PNG The New York Collegiate Baseball League (NYCBL) is a collegiate summer baseball league…
New York–Penn League Logo PNG The New York–Penn League, a distinguished Minor League Baseball organization, operates under the ownership of…
Nippon Professional Baseball Logo PNG Nippon Professional Baseball is the top baseball league in Japan. 12 of their major teams…
Northern League Logo PNG While the Northern League logo pays tribute to such traditional baseball themes as a depiction of…
Northwest Arkansas Naturals Logo PNG A Minor League Baseball club, Northwest Arkansas Naturals, was established in 2008 in Springdale, and…
Northwest League Logo PNG The Northwest League, known for its vibrant role in minor league baseball, operates as a key…
Northwoods League Logo PNG In addition to the name of the organization, the Northwoods League logo contains a reference to…
Oakland Athletics Logo PNG For most of its history, the logo of the professional baseball team Oakland Athletics has been…
Oaxaca Guerreros Logo PNG The Oaxaca Guerreros is a professional baseball team based in Oaxaca, Mexico. Founded in 1996, the…
Ogden Raptors Logo PNG The Ogden Raptors played their first official game under the current name in 1994, but their…
Orem Owlz Logo PNG Although the palette of the Orem Owlz logo has been obviously influenced by that of their…
Pacific Coast League Logo PNG The Pacific Coast League (PCL) stands as a notable Minor League Baseball league, under the…
Palm Beach Cardinals Logo PNG As an affiliate of the St. Louis Cardinals, the Minor League Baseball franchise the Palm…
Pensacola Blue Wahoos Logo PNG Before moving to Pensacola, Florida, and adopting its current name and logo before the 2012…
Peoria Chiefs Logo PNG The Peoria Chiefs is a Minor League Baseball team that plays in the Midwest League, currently…
Pioneer League Logo PNG The Pioneer League, a distinguished name in the realm of minor league baseball, stands as a…
Portland Sea Dogs Logo PNG In 1992, Portland was awarded an Eastern League baseball franchise. Team president Charlie Eshbach pointed…
Potomac Nationals Logo PNG The Potomac Nationals, often referred to as the P-Nats, is a Minor League Baseball team that…
Princeton Rays Logo PNG The Princeton Rays are a Minor League Baseball team that serves as the Rookie-level affiliate of…
Puebla Pericos Logo PNG Although a parrot doesn’t exactly conjure an image of fierce competition, it looks stylish and entirely…
Pulaski Yankees Logo PNG The brand identity of the Minor League Baseball team the Pulaski Yankees is heavily based on…
Quad Cities River Bandits Logo PNG The Quad Cities River Bandits are a Minor League Baseball franchise with more than…