Cross Emoji

Cross EmojisCross Emoji

❌ ❎ ✝️☦️😵

A cross is a geometric figure consisting of two intersecting lines or rectangles. The angle between them is often 90°. At least one of the lines making up the cross must be divided in half. The lines are usually arranged vertically or horizontally. And the standard Unicode set offers us a choice of various Cross Emoji, ranging from classic religious symbols to a funny yellow face. We’re going to talk about all the Cross Emoji today.

❌ The Cross Emoji was assigned the code U+274C, with which it was added to the  Symbols section of the Unicode 6.0 standard in 2010.

❎ The Cross button emoticon was assigned the code U+274E, with which it was added to Unicode 6.0 Standard Characters in 2010.

✝️ The Latin Cross emoticon was assigned the code U+271D U+FE0F, with which it was added to the 🎶 Unicode 1.1 standard characters section in 1993.

☦️ The Orthodox Cross emoticon was assigned the code U+2626 U+FE0F, with which it was added to the Unicode 1.1 standard symbols section in 1993.

😵 The Vertigo Emoji was assigned the code U+1F635, with which it was added to the Faces and Emotions section of the Unicode 6.0 standard in 2010.

Meaning and Use of the Cross Emoji

For convenience, we’ve divided our five emoji into three groups, and now let’s look at each of them in more detail.

Cross Emoji

❌ ❎

Perhaps the most commonly used cross in everyday life. In fact, historically, the Greek cross turned 45 degrees is called the cross of the Apostle Andrew. In math, this symbol also means Multiplication, so we often perceive it positively, as a symbol of multiplication and prosperity, but in road signs it is one of the most striking prohibitive messages – “No Stopping”.

Approximately the same meaning is carried by the emoji similar to it, which means prohibition, crossing out, ending. But in questionnaires and tests it is often suggested to cross out unnecessary things, and many people automatically do it with a diagonal cross. In the same way the correct answer is chosen, and the St. Andrew’s Cross turns into a positive aspect.

In the rules of the road crossing crossing cross still depict a railroad crossing. In this case, they mean crossing roads, or crossroads. Thus, you can identify another meaning of such a symbol – Choice.

Latin Cross


If the ideal symmetrical on two axes of the cross lengthen the lower ray, the most famous of religious crosses – Latin. It has two predecessor images: the Egyptian cross ankh and tau-cross in the form of the letter “T” in Latin. Such form were shameful pillars for public executions by crucifixion.

In a horizontal position the Latin cross is present on flags of Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Norway and Iceland and is called the Scandinavian cross.

It is the main official symbol of both the Catholic and Orthodox faiths, although stylistically their cross symbols differ.

The outline of the Latin cross resembles a person standing with arms outstretched. In Christianity as a whole there is a complete identification of the cross with Jesus Christ, and the cross is an emblem of Christ’s suffering on a par with the crown of thorns.

If we generalize the symbolic meaning of the Latin and Orthodox crosses, it will be the concept of Sacrifice. Also the Latin Cross is a heavy symbol of fate, destiny and death.

Face with cross eyes


The official definition of this emoticon is “fainting from shock”. It is usually used when a person wants to convey very strong surprise at some information, is not ready to accept it and is discouraged. It is usually used for shocking and unpleasant news or as a reaction to such news.

It means extreme surprise. Fainting from surprise, fainting from shock.

If you see an emoticon with an open mouth and cross eyes, it means it conveys very strong surprise. You can send it, for example, upon hearing unexpected startling news, so unexpected that it throws you into a mild shock. Such a reaction can be to gossip, to a strange and unusual statement. When someone is discouraged, startled, rather in a negative or neutral sense. It does not mean joyful news, rather just very unexpected, shocking.

In conclusion, as a variant, an emoticon with crosses in the eyes and open mouth in the form of the letter “O” is immediately associated with the exclamation “No way!” and the whole spectrum of emotions and meanings conveyed in this phrase. Certainly, it is possible to argue, that exactly crosses in eyes can most expressively emphasize astonishment, but eyes-crosses at once associate with categorical denial and disbelief of own eyes, and corresponding associative references in disbelief in happening.


The cross is one of the most ancient geometric symbols that appeared long before the emergence of Christianity. The symbolism of the cross is very diverse. Originally, it was a universal symbol of the cosmos – two crossed lines of the cross denoted the four sides of the world.

The cross was also associated with duality and union, connection. In this capacity, it has survived to our time in mathematics (plus sign). The image of the cross on a variety of objects found during archaeological excavations, is characteristic of many ancient peoples of Asia, Africa, Egypt, the Old East and Europe. In this case, the symbolic meaning of the cross in different peoples are different. Also differ values of symbols of a cross depending on their form. And today we tried to highlight the most popular variants of Cross Emoji.

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