Water Emoji

Water Emojis
Water Emoji PNG

Water is the most important source of origin of all earthly things. Many nations even in ancient times worshiped water. There were legends, tales, proverbs and sayings about water. But water still remains a great mystery due to its unique properties. These properties were embodied by different peoples, cultures and teachings in peculiar symbols. Emoji today is a very significant part of culture, and that’s why in the Unicode set you can also find not one, but several emoticons representing water.

💦 The “Drops” emoticon was assigned the code U+1F4A6, with which it was added to the Faces and Emotions section of the Unicode 6.0 standard in 2010.

💧 The “Drop” emoticon was assigned the code U+1F4A7, with which it was added to the Places and Travels section of Unicode 6.0 in 2010.

🚿 The “Shower” emoticon was assigned the code U+1F6BF, with which it was added to the Objects section of the Unicode 6.0 standard in 2010.

🚰 The “Potable Water” emoticon was assigned the code U+1F6B0, with which it was added to the Unicode 6.0 Standard Symbols section in 2010.

🚱 The “Non-Potable Water” emoticon was assigned the code U+1F6B1, with which it was added to the Unicode 6.0 Standard Characters section in 2010.

Water Emoji

Meaning and Use of the Water Emoji

Water is the source of life, and a great mystery. And, in the words of Leonardo da Vinci “Water is the juice of life”. The famous Antoine de Saint-Exupéry wrote an ode in which he characterized water not only as a necessity for life, but also called it life itself. And what are the meanings of the above five emoji with the image of water? Let’s find it out.

💦 Three drops of water is often also used as “sweat drops”. However, of the entire Unicode set, this is the most “watery” emoji. Use it in any context related to water. It’s hard to think of any negative correlations here.

💧 A drop of water is a minimized version of the previous emoji. And can definitely also mean both water and a drop of sweat, and hence, in addition to its direct meaning, can also be used as a symbol of fatigue or confusion.

🚿 Shower, just a shower. Your most used, of course, is that in the direct sense, but can sometimes be found in the context of rain. Oddly enough, this emoji can also be associated with fatigue. Like, for example, severe physical exhaustion after playing sports for a long time.

🚰 The drinking water icon is the most obvious emoji from this group. It may appear in messages about the benefits of drinking large amounts of water, or, on the contrary, it may represent thirst. It can also work as an “approved” sign.

🚱 The black emoji with the crossed out drinking water icon is the antonym of the previous emoticon. It means danger or uncertainty about quality.

Meaning Water Emoji


As you can see, the Water emoji category is pretty obvious and straightforward, but some emoji from this group can be used in figurative meanings. However, this is the category, icons from which it is difficult to overdo or embarrass the interlocutor, so use these emoji whenever you think it is appropriate. You are completely safe here.

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