That is hidden in the logos of famous universities

That is hidden in the logos of famous universities

Getting an education is one of the most enriching processes someone can go through. And this begins early in life, with kindergarten, then middle school, high school, and ending with college. Going to university might seem like the final step in getting an education, but you can always advance it and go beyond the traditional ways. You can pursue a doctorate, and become a teacher, or an educator. However, the process of learning never stops even though people graduate from all these programs. Yes, you learn a lot in college when you write essays or even a challenging research paper. There are many examples of learning, apart from the obvious one of going to a university.

And speaking about universities, have you ever paid attention to universities logos? They all have a university emblem that represents their mission and vision of education, but also says something about their characteristics. So, what are some fascinating logos of universities? What messages are hidden there? Let’s discuss some famous university logos.

The Importance of Logos – argumentative essay topics on social media

If you are a marketing student, you have probably learned a lot about social media and how it has changed the way branding and promotions are done today. Universities need to promote their learning and study programs so that they attract many students. Apart from all the posts they need to design and post online, they also need something to represent their brand. So, this is how logos and emblems got born, even before social media and the internet were invented. If you are looking for books or argumentative essay topics on social media, you can find them at StudyDriver. You can learn more about marketing, but also about the importance of having a logo that represents your image accurately, and your values and perspectives on education too.

Auckland University Logo

The university in Auckland has such a fascinating logo that could be representative of the entire country. New Zealand is such an impressive country and its national bird is Kiwi, the one that went extinct. So, you can see three Kiwis on the logo of Auckland University.

You can also notice that there isn’t a straight line that delimits the three birds from the lower part of the logo, but what appears as a wave. Which symbolizes the fact that Auckland is close to the coast. They also have a logo that tells everything about the university’s perspective on education, which is a mix between hard work and natural talent.

Brown University Logo

The logo of Brown University in Rhode Island is an eye-catchy one. Its combination of colors, red and yellow, but also the sun with the clouds above the lower part of the logo is indeed attractive. But what do they symbolize?

Well, the lower part of the logo is, obviously, representing learning as there are four book icons. They are separated by a red cross which is St. George’s cross, which represents bravery. But what about the sun and the clouds? As Brown University is among the oldest higher institutions in the United States, it represents the value of knowledge over ignorance.

Cairo University Logo

What is something more representative of Cairo and Egypt other than hieroglyphs? This is what the logo of Cairo University is. It symbolizes learning, hard work, and culture. It is a bird person who writes something, which is so iconic for the process of studying. And, of course, iconic for the culture and mythology of Egypt too.

Chicago University Logo

Well, the logo of the University of Chicago is one of the most impressive ones and, of course, it has a hidden meaning. If you look at it with attention, you can easily see a mythological creature that is more than a bird, it is a phoenix. And it can symbolize two main things. One of them might be the rebirth of the university.

Apparently, there has been another university in Chicago that existed earlier in the city, between 1857 and 1886. The other thing the phoenix can symbolize is the survival of the city in the Great Chicago Fire, which damaged it heavily. However, this is not the only thing in the logo. There is also a book that symbolizes learning, along with their motto.

Final Thoughts

The world is changing at an alarming rate and we need to keep up the pace with it. Getting an education and learning lead to the enrichment of life. This is one of the most fascinating processes we, as humans, go through.

Even though at times it might feel challenging and complicated, it is about exactly these moments that help us become better and learn more. But this process is also about hard work, and this is reflected in the logos of many universities. They all value learning, transformation, and hard work as these lead to an enriched life.

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