Facebook Marketplace: get access to buy and sell

Facebook Marketplace get access to buy and sell

In this article, we’ll tell you how to figure out why you don’t have access to Facebook Marketplace and what to do to get it.

First, let’s formulate what Facebook Marketplace is.

Facebook is a very important social network that allows us to communicate with different people no matter how far away they are from us. These days, we can find new features and utilities that allow us to grow and undertake as an individual.

Facebook Marketplace is a place where we can sell or buy items of all kinds and categories, you can do many things in this multi-store. It’s not very comprehensive like eBay or Amazon, though, as it only serves as a bridge or intermediary between buyer and seller,

If you want to set up your virtual store on the Facebook platform, there are a lot of things you should know, and to make sure they don’t catch you off guard, we recommend you read the entire post we’re preparing for you.
What is the Facebook Marketplace and what is it for?

What products can you sell through FBMarketplace?

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In the marketplace, users can offer any type of product, as this is a place where we have no restrictions on what we are going to offer or sell. Remember that the marketplace doesn’t just offer products or items, you can also hire services.

The difference between Facebook and other marketplaces is that customers recommend them more than the seller focus on the same category because it gives more security for serious trade. But it’s not a limitation because it’s only an opinion.

Just as on eBay and Amazon, there are different categories we also have to determine which category our product belongs to because in this way it is much easier for them to find what we sell and therefore increase sales.
If you intend to offer services such as appliance repair or rental property, simply you have to specify in detail the terms of what you set up as a seller or a buyer. This way, it will be safer for the buyer whether you want the service.

So, a very popular Facebook feature today, Marketplace, may not be available for you for several reasons. For example, regional or age restrictions. It may also be hidden if you are a Facebook newbie.

Some of these reasons can be easily fixed, so you should just play around with your settings to get Marketplace access. Let’s look at the specific reasons and steps for the most strategic ones.

Regional Restrictions

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The marketplace is currently available to Facebook users in almost eighty countries, but what if your region is out of this list? If you are registered in a country where the FBMarketplace isn’t yet available, you won’t be able even to see the icon on the main page. To make sure it’s all about geography, you can check the FBMarketplace countries catalog on the official website.

So your country is not on the list. What you can do is change the region in your settings. Log in to your Facebook Account, go to Settings, and then select Language&Region, pick the one where the service is available. Confirm and try it.

You are under the age of 18

There’s not much to do but wait, because Marketplace is only available to Facebook users who are 18 or older.

You’re new to Facebook

New users generally aren’t able to access the Facebook Marketplace right away. This is because Facebook wants to weed out potential scammers, who often delete and recreate profiles to sell fabricated goods after they’ve been banned. So, too, you’ll have to wait a little while and gain the social network’s trust.

If your account is new, use it often. If you’re new to Facebook and don’t yet have access to Marketplace, try to be as active on the social networking site as possible. This means commenting on posts, sharing photos, adding friends, and more.

You’re not using Marketplace often enough

Be more active if you want to sell and buy through the media giant. Facebook uses algorithms for its menus, meaning that the groups, pages, or apps you use on the site usually appear above in the left menu bar on a desktop computer and in the menu available when you click on the three horizontal lines in the bottom right corner of the iOS app.

However, if you meet all of the Facebook Marketplace requirements but still don’t see the right icon on your page, Try quitting the Facebook app or reinstalling it.

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