Campeche Piratas Logo

Campeche Piratas Logo PNG

The Piratas de Campeche is a Minor League Baseball franchise competing in the Mexican League. The word “Pirates” from the name of the team inspired their logo.

Meaning and history

The history of the team can be traced back to 1980. It’s based in Campeche, Campeche, Mexico, and plays on the Triple-A level.

Primary symbol

The Piratas de Campeche logo attracts attention with its unusual visual metaphor. It’s possible that you won’t be able to determine from the first glance what it is. A pirate’s face merges seamlessly into a baseball creating a link between the name of the team and the game it plays.


The choice of blue, the main “ocean” color, seems natural for a team whose name means “Campeche Pirates.” Also, the Campeche Piratas logo comprises red and white.
