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Sheridan is an American automaker that existed briefly from 1920 to 1921. It was a subsidiary of the General Motors Corporation. Focused on luxury cars, Sheridan aimed to compete with Cadillac and other high-end brands. The company operated primarily in the United States, utilizing advanced technology for its time like all-steel bodies. Despite its ambitious goals, Sheridan was short-lived, folding just a year after its founding.

Meaning and history

Sheridan was founded in 1920 as a part of General Motors, with the objective to enter the luxury automobile market. This American automaker aimed at producing vehicles to rival established brands like Cadillac. Within a short time frame, Sheridan gained attention for using cutting-edge technologies of its time, such as all-steel bodies and other advanced features. However, the company’s lifespan was brief, lasting only until 1921. Despite its early promise, it couldn’t sustain the competition and was eventually dissolved. As of today, Sheridan remains an interesting footnote in the history of American automakers, remembered for its ambitious, yet short-lived, venture into the luxury vehicle market.

What is Sheridan?
Sheridan was a short-lived American automaker that operated from 1920 to 1921. It was a subsidiary of General Motors and aimed to produce luxury cars. Despite its ambitious goals and innovative technologies, the company was dissolved after only a year of operation.